- I can do a simple skip change of step (PDF, 38 KB)
- I can form different formations such as circle (PDF, 34 KB)
- I can clap in time to the music (PDF, 28 KB)
- I can perform dances from other countries (PDF, 42 KB)
- I can recall and follow dances in relation to music (PDF, 38 KB)
- I can understand the cultural significance of a dance (PDF, 65 KB)
- I can use space effectively (PDF, 34 KB)
- I can work in a larger group formation while dancing (PDF, 58 KB)
- I can follow simple instructions (PDF, 40 KB)
- I can form simple formations and shapes by travelling round the gym (PDF, 41 KB)
- I can move in time to the music using simple travelling steps (PDF, 40 KB)
- I can perform simple Scottish Dances (PDF, 41 KB)
- I can skip, gallop etc (PDF, 45 KB)
- I can understand the effect dancing has on my body (PDF, 64 KB)
- I can use space safely (PDF, 42 KB)
- I can work individually or with a partner or group (PDF, 93 KB)
Last modified on 10 January 2017