Perth and Kinross Council has a legal duty to conserve and enhance biodiversity. Working together across all our services, we are developing the best ways to do this and, at the same time, contributing to other policies and initiatives.
Tayside Biodiversity Partnership
The Tayside Biodiversity Partnership covers the local authority area of Angus as well as Perth and Kinross. The partnership is made up of statutory bodies, local authorities, non-government organisations and individuals and has produced a Local Biodiversity Action Plan to ensure that locally and nationally important species and habitats are conserved and enhanced through focused local action.
For more information visit the Tayside Biodiversity Partnership website.
Tayside Local Biodiversity Action Plan 2016-2026
Tayside Biodiversity Partnership's Local Biodiversity Action Plan 2016-2026 (PDF, 12 MB) charts the way ahead in protecting the multitude of flora and fauna that flourish across the county, as well as their habitats, bringing together organisations, communities and individuals. The new plan has more than 140 projects you might want to get involved in.
Reporting on our Biodiversity Duty
Perth and Kinross Council has a legal requirement to publish a three yearly report on how it is performing in fulfilling its Biodiversity Duty. This Biodiversity Duty report (PDF, 3 MB) covers the three year period from January 2021 to December 2023 and includes case studies and information on many exciting projects . The next report will cover the period from January 2024 to December 2026.
What else are we doing to encourage biodiversity?
Published a wildlife and biodiversity monitoring app (opens new window) so that residents can monitor the wildlife attracted to the open spaces in their own area.
Planting more bulbs
Planting more flowering shrubs and flowers
Planting more native trees
Stopping strimming and weedkilling around trees
In many areas we work with volunteers to plant more spring and summer flowering bulbs to be attractive to both people and wildlife.
We've been planting more native trees and shrubs which we've grown in our nursery at or bought in from local suppliers, which helps reduce our carbon footprint. Community groups often help plant trees in our parklands, countryside sites and other areas including school grounds - applying our 'right tree right place' principle to ensure they will flourish. A few recent examples include:
Over 100 native trees planted by volunteers at Viewlands Reservoir Park, Perth in November 2019
Queen's Green Canopy - 46 mixed species trees planted on South Inch, Perth to create Jubilee Avenue in January 2022
Queen's Green Canopy - planting on many sites across Perth & Kinross and involving many different communities late 2021/early 22
Over 1000 trees planted in 2021/22
Over 650 trees planted in 2022/23
Over 2600 trees planted within Perth and Kinross including 1000 whips provided to the community to plant at Moncrieffe Island in 2023/24
In many areas we no longer apply weedkilling chemicals or strim around the base of trees to avoid damaging them and the wildlife living around them. The ground around the trees may be allowed to naturalise and/or be planted up with bulbs.
We'll continue to grow on cuttings from established shrubs for planting in shrub borders and will increase the use of flowering species to attract pollinators. In some areas, older tired shrub beds are being replanted with more wildlife friendly planting.