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Transformation and Change Strategy 2022/23-2027/28

Transformation and Change Strategy - Our national and local priorities

The need for transformation and change is not new nor unique to Perth and Kinross, we have been doing it since we were established in 1996. Today all public and private sector services and organisations are facing many traditional but also significant new challenges and rethinking how they will operate in the future to address these challenges and meet new and emerging demands. 

In its Covid-19 Recovery Strategy - for a fairer future, the Scottish Government sets out its vision for recovery and the actions it will take to address systemic inequalities made worse by Covid-19, make progress towards a wellbeing economy, and accelerate inclusive person-centred public services. The strategy highlights the need to re-build public services and sets out how it will work differently with partners to deliver change. The Government has also recently published its latest Spending Review setting out the financial challenges facing public services, and these are more fully explored for this Council in our new Financial Strategy. Our Transformation and Change strategy sits within our wider strategic planning framework. It will sit alongside other Council strategies in supporting us in delivering our corporate objectives and outcomes. These strategies have been, or will be, reviewed in the current year and set the strategic direction and ambitions for our organisation over the next five years. 

  • The revised Corporate Plan 2022/23 to 2027/28 will set our vision and corporate objectives, aligned with our values, it will seek to address, or mitigate, the impact of the many challenges our organisation and our communities are facing. These objectives will be underpinned by themes including reducing poverty and inequality; improving life chances and choices for all; improving people's wellbeing; supporting sustainable communities and ensuring people are connected. 
  • The Local Outcome Improvement Plan (PDF, 1 MB) - will focus on the targeted actions that the Community Planning Partnership will take in the coming years to focus on inequalities within our communities and how we will work collaboratively to address these. 
  • The Perth and Kinross Offer Framework - details the actions that we will take over the next 5 years to strengthen how we work within our teams and alongside partners and communities to put those we serve at the heart of shaping, delivering and managing services within their local areas. 
  • The Financial Strategy - details the financial challenges we face, the extent of the structural deficit and measures we must take now and over the next 5 years to identify savings, reduce our budgets and support the Council's long-term financial sustainability. 

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