Light disturbance and intrusion can cause annoyance and impact daily life.
Light pollution is artificial light that shines where it is not wanted or needed. For example, light that spills beyond the boundary of a property on which it is located, sometimes shining through nearby windows.
Examples of light sources include flood lighting, domestic and commercial security lighting, advertising lighting, exterior lighting of buildings etc. More recently, issues with solar panel glint and glare have become a potential issue.
Our Environmental Health may seek a resolution to justifiable light complaints but will need to gather sufficient evidence of the light nuisance to do so.
What is not a light nuisance:
Any light that can be effectively blocked by closing blinds or curtains is unlikely to require formal action.
Possible action by Environmental Health:
- Officers may recommend that you speak to the person or business causing the source of your light complaint as they may not be aware of the issues being caused and a remedy can often be resolved informally, or an agreement made.
- Officers may request you keep a detailed record of the issues in the form of monitoring sheets (this record may be used if legal action is taken later, and you should be prepared to go to court in such cases) as well as any photographs or videos of the light pollution.
- Officers may contact the person(s)/business being complained about, advising them of the complaint and ask them to take steps which may be necessary to reduce the light pollution.
- Officers may also visit your property to measure light levels and consider the impact, locality, time, frequency, duration, convention, importance and prevention of the light source.
- Information collated from an investigation by the officers will determine what action they may then take.
- Where it is not possible to resolve certain light complaints, complainants will be advised on how to take their own action.
How to avoid causing light pollution:
- Consider if the lighting is really needed
- If the light needs to be on all night
- How much light is needed and keep it to the minimum
- Make sure lights are adjusted so that they only light the area you intend to and not anyone else's property
- Make sure the lights only pick up movement on your property
- For a domestic property a 150w bulb is bright enough
- Angle the light downwards, below 70 degrees
Please contact the Environmental Health Team at or 01738 476476 if you have complaints regarding a light disturbance.