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Employment information - Sickness absence / attendance

Information and guidance on the management of an employees absence from work including specific guidance on occupational stress and how good management practices can reduce the likelihood of employees suffering from occupational stress.

As employees, we are all responsible for managing our own health and wellbeing.

Managers and the council as a whole, are responsible for supporting the health and wellbeing of all staff and for creating a culture of good health and wellbeing.

Unfortunately, there will still be times when an individual is unable to attend work due to sickness.  How we manage this should be a continuation of our every day approach to health and wellbeing.

Sickness guides for managers

What to do when a member of your team is unable to attend work due to sickness / ill health


Managing the sickness absence


Managing stress


Need occupational health advice?


Supporting your team member back to work



Sickness guides for employees

What to do when you are unable to attend work


Guidance for employees



If you have a complex sickness absence, book an appointment with the P&C team to discuss

Last modified on 27 November 2024

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