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Local Development Plan - research & information

Background research, information and studies used to prepare the Local Development Plan and support wider planning activities.

We use information from a variety of sources to monitor, review and formulate planning policies. This page contains material from studies, research and consultations which we have undertaken to support the decision-making process. 

Annual audits

Infrastructure studies 

In 2017, we produced a set of Infrastructure Capacity Reports which highlight current infrastructure provisions in larger settlements and any shortfall which could be addressed through the Local Development Plan. The reports include information on population growth, community facilities, open space, transport infrastructure, education and health as well as energy and water infrastructure: 

Charettes & community consultation

Between 2014 and 2016, Perth and Kinross Council worked in partnership with a number of local Community Councils to undertake a series of community design workshops in key settlements across the area. The objective was to work with local communities and key stakeholders, in identifying a town's strengths, weaknesses, as well as opportunities to help mitigate the social, environmental and economic challenges, towns across Scotland are facing. In total, five charrettes were undertaken, each of the reports can be accessed below:

Other studies & research 

The Perth & Kinross Retail Study (PDF, 4 MB) was updated in February 2023. We regularly commission studies to ensure we understand the shopping and leisure habits of residents and visitors and that the supply of floorspace is sufficient to meet our needs. We also use this study to monitor the health and function of our centres and their qualitative needs for improvement. This study provides an evidence base to assist PKC with its work on the Local Development Plan review and related economic development frameworks.

The Employment land and Property Market analysis (PDF, 3 MB) was finalised December 2022. Perth & Kinross Council commissioned this study to provide analysis of the employment land and property markets, including analysis of market transactions, the Perth & Kinross's current Local Development Plan employment allocations, and the Council's Commercial portfolio. Th employment land and property market analysis will inform and underpin the development of the new Local Development Plan (LDP), the review of Perth & Kinross Council's Investment Property Strategy, its Commercial land and property portfolio, and Commercial Property Investment Programme.

Savills were appointed to undertake research and provide recommendations on the issue of increasing residential capacity and occupancy in each of the seven Scottish city centres. The cities included in the study are Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness, Perth and Stirling. Individual reports have been prepared for each of the seven Scottish cities. There is a Perth Reduce Vacant & Derelict Land Report (PDF, 840 KB), a Perth Increase Resident Capacity report (PDF, 2 MB) and a Summary Final Report (PDF, 372 KB)which provides an overview of the topic across the seven cities.


Last modified on 03 April 2024

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