Culture is at the heart of every community in Perth and Kinross. Culture is part of the story told by every town, village and settlement and by our city of Perth, Scotland's first capital.
The Perth and Kinross Culture Strategy 2023-2028 (PDF, 2 MB) sets out how culture will contribute to our Corporate Priority to develop a stronger and greener economy.
Our vision for culture in Perth and Kinross is:
We will enable creative communities and outstanding creative work to thrive in Perth and Kinross, through partnership.
Our Cultural Pledges
- We will celebrate our cultural diversity and make culture in Perth and Kinross accessible for everyone.
- We will ensure culture and heritage are integral to Placemaking decisions.
- We pledge to make co-creation with local communities central to our cultural programmes.
- We pledge to develop new partnerships locally, nationally and internationally and strengthen the ones we have, bringing significant culture and new work to local audiences.
- We pledge to maximise spaces and places for creative activity across all our localities.
- We pledge to use data and evidence collaboratively to shape programmes which are well tailored to audiences and increase participation by growing new audiences.
- We pledge to make culture count in tackling the climate emergency.
- We pledge to support young people to learn, work and grow skills through culture.
- We pledge to support and develop our small creative and craft businesses.
Last modified on 27 November 2023