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Council Meeting - 7 October 2015

A Meeting of Perth and Kinross Council will be held in the Gannochy Suite, First Floor, Dewar's Centre, Glover Street, Perth on Wednesday 7 October 2015 at 1.00pm.


Provost E Grant and All Councillors.


1.       Welcome and Apologies

2.       Declarations of Interest

3.       Minute of Meeting of 1 July 2015 for approval and signature

4.       Notice of Motion

          Poverty Alliance: Stick Your Labels Campaign - Challenge Poverty Week 17-23 October 2015

          Motion by Councillors P Barrett and I Miller

          The Poverty Alliance is the national anti-poverty network in Scotland and has offered valuable advice to the Perth and Kinross Council Welfare Rights staff to tackle the causes and consequences of poverty in Perth and Kinross.

          As part of the national campaign to combat stigma, the Poverty Alliance has, in the run up to Challenge Poverty week later this month, invited Councils to sign up to the national "Stick Your Labels" campaign.  The objective of the campaign is to tackle negative attitudes and challenge stereotypes about people experiencing poverty.  The Campaign has been supported by the Scottish Government, CoSLA and Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations.

         Perth & Kinross Council pledges to:

        1    Set out its contribution and commitment to tackling poverty in our area.
        2    Avoid language which can cause harm to people experiencing poverty or stigmatise those living in poverty.
        3    Develop and take actions that will address negative attitudes towards people experiencing poverty.

       Council agrees to request that the Chief Executive brings forward a detailed report on addressing poverty and the above pledges within Perth and Kinross.

5.      Minutes of meetings of Committees from 15 June 2015 to 23 September 2015

6.      Perth and Kinross Community Planning Partnership

         (i)   Minute of meeting of the Perth and Kinross Community Planning Partnership Board of 5 June 2015 (PDF, 268 KB) (copy herewith) (Pages 9-22)

         (ii)  Update Briefing Paper July - September 2015 (PDF, 140 KB) (copy herewith 15/412) (Pages 23-24)

7.      Treasury Activity and Compliance Report 2015/16 Quarter 1 (PDF, 296 KB) - Report by Head of Finance (copy herewith 15/413) (Pages 25-64)

8.      Audited Annual Accounts 2014-15 (PDF, 2 MB) - Report by Head of Finance (copy herewith 15/414) (Pages 65-218)

9.      Perth City Hall (PDF, 171 KB) - Report by Depute Chief Executive (Sustainability, Strategic and Entrepreneurial Development) (copy herewith 15/415) (Pages 219-232)

10.    Perth and Kinross Annual Performance Report 2014/15 (PDF, 1 MB) - Report by Chief Executive (copy herewith 15/416) (Pages 233-274)

11.    UK City of Culture 2021 (PDF, 177 KB) - Report by Chief Executive (copy herewith 15/417) (Pages 275-284)

12.    Place Based Scrutiny (PDF, 482 KB) - Report by Senior Depute Chief Executive (Equality, Community Planning and Public Service Reform) (copy herewith 15/418) (Pages 285-312)

13.    Health and Social Care Integration Scheme for Perth and Kinross (PDF, 592 KB) - Report by Chief Executive (copy herewith 15/419) (Pages 313-378)

14.    Chief Social Work Officer Annual Report 2014/15 (PDF, 1 MB) - Report by Chief Social Work Officer (copy herewith 15/420) (Pages 379-460)

15.    Perth and Kinross Child Protection Committee (CPC) Standards and Quality Report 2014 - 2015 (PDF, 1 MB) - Joint Report by Chief Executive and Senior Depute Chief Executive (Equality, Community Planning and Public Service Reform) (copy herewith 15/421) (Pages 461-554)

16.    Resettling Families in the Local Area (PDF, 160 KB) - Report by Depute Chief Executive (Corporate and Community Development Services) (copy herewith 15/422) (Pages 555-562)

17.    Living Wage Accreditation (PDF, 171 KB) - Report by Depute Chief Executive (Corporate and Community Development (copy herewith 15/423) (Pages 563-568)

18.    Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland - Fifth Statutory Review of Local Government Electoral Arrangements in Scotland - Public Consultation on Proposals for Wards In Perth and Kinross Council Area (PDF, 193 KB) - Report by Head of Democratic Services (copy herewith 15/424) (Pages 569-579)

19.    Appointments to Committees

(i)     Strategic Policy and Resources Committee

         The Council is asked to agree that Councillor A Munro be appointed to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee to replace Councillor A MacLellan

20.    Appointments to Outside Bodies

(i)      Culture Perth and Kinross

Council approved on 1 July 2015 the creation of a new Culture Trust from April 2016.  The Council is asked to appoint Councillors B Band, A Parrott and I Campbell to the new Trust, Culture Perth and Kinross.

(ii)     Crieff Succeeds Business Improvement District (BID) Board

The Council is asked to appoint Councillors A Younger and A Cowan to the Crieff Succeeds Business Improvement District (BID) Board

(iii)    VisionPK

At the previous meeting of the Council on 1 July 2015, Councillor A Munro was nominated to the Board of Trustees for Perth and Kinross Society for the Blind.  The Council is asked to note that Councillor Munro has been appointed as an observer to VisionPK, the operating name of Perth and Kinross Society for the Blind in terms of their new Memorandum and Articles of Association.

(iv)   Tayside Pension Fund Board

The Council is asked to agree that Councillor M Roberts replace Councillor J Kellas on the Tayside Pension Fund Board.

(v)    Armed Forces and Veterans Champion for Perth and Kinross Council

The Council is asked to agree that Councillor A Parrott replace Councillor K Howie as the Armed Forces and Veterans Champion for Perth and Kinross Council.

21.   Amendments to Scheme of Administration

The Council is asked to agree the following changes to the Scheme of Administration:

Part 2 - General Provision Relating to Committees

2 General Provisions Regulating All Committees of the Council

Paragraph 2.14.3 - Amend to read as follows:

Approval of the annual budget of (a) revenue expenditure and (b) capital expenditure, other than the specific delegation to the Housing and Health Committee under 8.2.41 and 8.2.41(vi) regarding the Housing Revenue Account.

10 Lifelong Learning Committee

Paragraph - Amend to read as follows:

To consider reports by both Education Scotland and Education and Children's Services on individual school performance, pre-school partner providers and community learning, including general aspects of education provision, learning and teaching, the curriculum, and care and welfare.

11 Scrutiny Committee

Paragraph - Amend to read as follows:

To consider trends in reports by both Education Scotland and Education and Children's Services on individual school performance, pre-school partner providers and community learning, including general aspects of education provision, learning and teaching, the curriculum, and care and welfare.

22.   Timetable of Meetings 2015

The Council is asked to agree that a Special Meeting of the Council take place on Wednesday 18 November 2015 at 2.00pm.

Last modified on 20 July 2016

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