A Meeting of Perth and Kinross Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Fourth Floor, Council Building, 2 High Street, Perth on Wednesday 17 December 2014 at 11.00am.
If you have any queries please contact Scott Hendry on (01738) 475126 or Gillian Taylor on (01738) 475135.
Provost E Grant and All Councillors.
1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minute of Meeting of 8 October 2014 for approval and signature
4. Notice of Motion
Motion by Councillors M Roberts and A Cowan
Since the Scottish Government through Transport Scotland is responsible for the maintenance and development of both the A9 and A85, this Council should make the strongest possible representations to the Scottish Government that they should meet the cost of the A9/A85 junction to enable the Council to undertake other crucial infrastructure programmes, such as the Cross Tay Link Road, to support the economic growth of Perth and Kinross.
5. Minutes of meetings of Committees from 30 September 2014 to 3 December 2014
6. Perth and Kinross Community Planning Partnership
(i) Minute of meeting of the Perth and Kinross Community Planning Partnership Board of 5 September 2014 for noting (PDF, 333 KB) (copy herewith) (Pages 9-12)
(ii) Briefing Note by Executive Lead Officer (PDF, 620 KB) (copy herewith 14/546) (Pages 13-16)
7. Treasury Activity and Compliance Report - 2014/15 Quarter 2 (PDF, 209 KB) - Report by Head of Finance (copy herewith 14/547) (Pages 17-36)
8. Review of Treasury Management Systems Document (PDF, 921 KB) - Report by Head of Finance (copy herewith 14/548) (Pages 37-42)
9. Audit Scotland - Annual Report on the 2013/14 Audit (PDF, 1 MB) - Report by the Head of Finance (copy herewith 14/549) (Pages 43-98)
10. Chief Social Work Officer Annual Report 2013/14 (PDF, 514 KB) - Report by Chief Social Work Officer (copy herewith 14/550) (Pages 99-152)
11. Health and Social Care Integration Draft Integration Scheme for Perth and Kinross (PDF, 340 KB) - Report by Chief Executive (copy herewith 14/551) (Pages 153-200)
12. Securing the Future Through Our People (PDF, 240 KB) - Report by Chief Executive (copy herewith 14/552) (Pages 201-222)
13. Review of 2014 Ryder Cup and Junior Ryder Cup (PDF, 10 MB) - Report by Chief Executive (copy herewith 14/553) (Pages 223-252)
Note: There will be a brief DVD shown prior to consideration of the above item.
14. Gaelic Language Plan 2012 - 2017; Progress Update (PDF, 1 MB) - Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 14/554) (Pages 253-264)
15. Membership
(i) Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust
The Council is asked to appoint Councillor G Walker to replace Councillor A Younger on the Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust.