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Council Meeting - 11 December 2013

A Meeting of Perth and Kinross Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Fourth Floor, Council Building, 2 High Street, Perth on Wednesday 11 December 2013 at 2.00pm.


Provost Grant and All Councillors.


1.        Welcome and Apologies

2.        Declarations of Interest

3.        Minute of Council Meeting of 2 October 2013 for approval and signature

4.        Request for Deputation - Perth City Hall - Mr Bruce Linton on behalf of the Perth City Market Trust

           The Council is advised that a request for a deputation has been received from Mr Bruce Linton, on behalf of Perth City Market Trust.  Mr Linton has requested that he and three other representatives of the Trust be permitted to deliver a short PowerPoint presentation, which it is understood would take approximately 15 minutes.

           The Council is reminded that in terms of Standing Order 59, no more than two members of any deputation shall be permitted to address the Council and may speak for no more than 5 minutes each.

           The Council is asked to consider the request for a deputation.

5.        Notice of Motion

           Police Scotland - Proposed Withdrawal of Public Counter Facilities - Motion by Councillors Robertson and Simpson

           This Council is very concerned about Police Scotland's proposals to withdraw public counter facilities from all Perth and Kinross police stations, save for Pitlochry and Perth.  We see this as a backward step which will impact on nearly all of our rural communities.  These closures have been announced without any prior consultation with any of those communities affected by the withdrawal of this service.

           We see this as a first step towards wholesale police station closures both in Perth and Kinross and throughout Scotland.

           We ask that this Council write to Police Scotland voicing our concerns and ask that a dialogue be entered into to find a way of protecting the community/police interface which we consider vital in delivering effective policing.

6.        Minutes of meetings of Committees from 19 September 2013 - 20 November 2013

7.        Minute of Meeting of the Perth and Kinross Community Planning Partnership Board of 6 September 2013 for noting

8.        Audit Scotland - Annual Report on the 2012/13 Audit (PDF, 983 KB) - Report by Head of Finance (copy herewith 13/578) (Pages 13-56)

9.        Treasury Activity and Compliance Report - 2013/14 Quarter 2 (PDF, 375 KB) - Report by Head of Finance (copy herewith 13/579) (Pages 57-76)

10.      Review of Treasury Management Systems Document (PDF, 291 KB) - Report by Head of Finance (copy herewith 13/580) (Pages 77-82)

11.      Securing the Future Through Our People (PDF, 1 MB) - Report by Chief Executive (copy herewith 13/581) (Pages 83-152)

12.      Perth City Development (PDF, 301 KB) - Report by Executive Director (Environment) (copy herewith 13/582) (Pages 153-160)

13.      Perth City Hall (PDF, 2 MB) - Report by D Burke, Depute Chief Executive (copy herewith 13/583) (Pages 161-216)

14.      New National Resilience Arrangements (PDF, 450 KB) - Report by Executive Director (Environment) (copy herewith 13/584) (Pages 217-228)

15.      Review of Parliamentary Constituency Polling Districts and Polling Places - Feedback on Consultation - Report by Head of Democratic Services

           Note:    Please note that the above item has been deferred to the Special Meeting of Council to be held on 18 December 2013.

16.      Changes to Membership

           (i)    Scrutiny Committee

                   The Council is asked to appoint Councillor R Brock to the Scrutiny Committee to replace Councillor M Barnacle.

           (ii)   Perth and Kinross Licensing Board

                   The Council is asked to appoint Councillor D Pover to the Perth and Kinross Licensing Board to replace Councillor R Band.

           (iii)  Perth and Kinross Countryside Trust - Executive Committee

                   The Council is asked to appoint a replacement for Councillor C Shiers on the Executive Committee of Perth and Kinross Countryside Trust.

 17.      Change to Timetable of Meetings 2014

             The Council is asked to agree:-

             (i)    That the meeting of the Community Safety Committee, scheduled to take place on Wednesday 8 January 2014, now take place on Thursday 30 January 2014 at 10.00am.

Last modified on 03 March 2014

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