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Special Council Meeting - 12 February 2015

A special meeting of Perth and Kinross Council will be held in the Gannochy Suite, First Floor, Dewar's Centre, Glover Street, Perth on Thursday 12 February 2015 at 2.00pm.

If you have any queries please contact Scott Hendry on (01738) 475126 or Gillian Taylor on (01738) 475135.


Provost L Grant and All Councillors.


1.     Welcome and Apologies

2.     Declarations of Interest

3.     Notice of Motion

        Motion by the Independent Liaison Group - Councillors Cuthbert and Barnacle.

        For the Council Meeting on Thursday the 12th February 2015.

        It remains the view of the Independent Liaison Group that discussing the budget of Perth and Kinross Council in a single meeting with only a very short break to consider all the options is insufficient time for such an important matter.

        Our preference would be to have two Council meetings, one for the presentation of Budget Proposals and the second to have a debate on the proposals which have been put forward.

        We believe that a period of a few days between these meetings, would allow the proposals to be properly investigated and enable the correct decision to be better reached.

        However, having discussed this with Officers we accept that, on this occasion, such a delay may cause administrative problems.

       With this in mind, we wish to move that the break for consideration of the various motions being presented to Council today is extended to at least one and half hours to allow Councillors sufficient time to read, absorb and discuss them more fully.

4.     Revenue Budget 2015/16 (PDF, 2 MB) - Report by Head of Finance (copy herewith 15/36) (Pages 1-74)

5.     Composite Capital Budget 2015 - 2023 (PDF, 1 MB) - Report by Head of Finance (copy herewith 15/37) (Pages 75-86)

6.     Reserves Strategy (PDF, 2 MB) - Report by Head of Finance (copy herewith 15/38) (Pages 87-114)

Last modified on 20 July 2016

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