The following are a list of various sport activities and programmes offered to people with a disability in Perth and Kinross:
Perth and Kinross Disability Sport
Description | Perth and Kinross Disability Sport is a registered Scottish Charity whose aim is to:
Telephone | 07716 628454 or 07716 628452 | | |
Address | Dewars Centre,Glover Street, Perth, PH2 0TH |
Perth Strathtay Harriers
Description | An established inclusion programme to ensure that all people of all abilities are welcomed to come along to take part in all club activities. |
When |
Other training options exist depending on the individual needs of the athlete. |
Where | Perth Grammar School, Gowans Terrace, Perth PH1 5AZ |
Telephone | 01738 633835 |
Contact Name | Jim Hunter |
Live Active Leisure Dolphins Swimming Drop-in
Description | The Drop-in is open to people with physical, learning and sensory disabilities. The Dolphins aim to provide a friendly environment so that individuals can gain enjoyment from the relaxing effect of the water regardless of their ability. |
When | Every Saturday morning between 9-10am. The cost is £2.40 per swimmer and free for carers. |
Where | Perth Leisure Pool |
Telephone | 01738 454666 |
Contact Name | Karen Steel |
Live Active Leisure - Stride for Life
Description | Live Active Leisure deliver a Stride for Life walking programme in many different locations in Perth and Kinross. |
Website | |
Telephone | 01738 454628 | |
Live Active Leisure - Swimming classes
Description | Live Active Leisure deliver swimming classes for people with disabilities - please contact each venue for further details. |
When and where |
| |
Live Active Leisure - No Limits
Description | In Perth and Kinross improved access to physical activity has helped a number of children, young people and adults feel supported in their own personal development, and progression to education and employment. Live Active Leisure also provide support to carers, including free carer access to our venues. If there is an activity that appeals but you are unsure about its accessibility or suitability speak to their venue staff. |
Where | Bell's Sports Centre, Hay Street, Perth, PH1 5HS |
Telephone | 01738 454647 | |
Perth Table Tennis Club
When | Thursdays, 7-9pm for 9+ Years |
Where | Bell's Sports Centre, Hay Street, Perth, PH1 5HS |
Telephone | 07902210994 |
Active Andy's Tennis
When | Fridays 4.15pm to 5.15pm for P1 to S6 |
Where | Scone Tennis Club |
Telephone | 07787103531 |
Active Monkeys
When | Wednesdays 6pm to 7pm for P1 to S6 |
Where | Glenearn Community Campus |
Telephone | 07745892139 |
Saints Academy
Description | Saints Academy is for adults with learning disabilities, autistic spectrum disorder and mental health issues. It conducts cricket, football, rugby and tennis sessions. |
Telephone | Contact Dave Black on 01738 459095 or find out more information from your local day centre or activity group. |
NHS Tayside Learning Disability Physiotherapy Team - Cycling sessions
Description | The Learning Disability Physiotherapy Team are currently running weekly cycling sessions in partnership with Blazing Saddles. These sessions are open to adults with a learning disability who live in Perth and Kinross. There is a wide range of adapted bikes including a hand cycle, tandem tricycle and wheelchair loader. There are limited spaces so if you would like to apply for a 6 week block or have any questions please contact the physiotherapy team on the details below. |
When | These sessions are being run on Wednesday afternoons. |
More info | Cycling Leaflet (PDF, 343 KB) |
Telephone | 01738 562 275 |
Address | Learning Disability Physiotherapy Team, Murray Royal Hospital - The Hub, Muirhall Road, Perth PH2 7BH |
Live Active Leisure - Therapy day
Description | NHS Tayside runs a therapy day in partnership with Live Active Leisure for anyone with a learning disability living in Perth and Kinross. |
When | Every Monday - you can choose to come for the morning or afternoon session, or for the whole day with a break for lunch at 12pm. Morning session: 9.45am to 12pm and Afternoon sessions: 1pm to 2.30pm |
Easy Read | Therapy Day Leaflet (PDF, 430 KB) |
Telephone | 01738 562312 or 01738 562275 |
Address | Bells Sports Centre, Hay St, Perth PH1 5HS |
Please take a look at Live Active Leisure Venues (opens new window) to find out what other activities are offered in Perth and Kinross.