Support for individuals with a learning disability to promote and maintain their health and wellbeing through various activities.
The NHS Tayside Anxiety Support Group
Description | The NHS Tayside Anxiety Support Group offers support and advice to adults with a learning disability who are experiencing anxiety symptoms. The service is offered across Perth and Kinross. It's aim is to help people recognise and learn to manage anxiety symptoms. For more information please see the Anxiety Support Leaflet (PDF, 97 KB) |
Address | Learning Disability Intensive Support Service (LDISS) Pinel, Murray Royal Hospital, Muirhall Road, Perth, PH2 7BH |
Telephone | 01738 562285 |
Art Therapy Service
What is Art Therapy? | The NHS Tayside Art Therapy Service is used to allow individuals to communicate their feelings and emotions through art. Art Therapy can help you to communicate different feelings and emotions through painting, drawing, clay modelling and more. Anyone can benefit from art therapy. The art therapist will not tell you what to paint or make but will support you in whatever needs to be expressed. |
What is an Art Therapist? | An art therapist is a highly trained healthcare professional. They will be a qualified and experienced artist, with a degree in art or a similar field. They will have worked in education, health or social services before undergoing a two year post-graduate training in Art Therapy. |
What sort of service do people get? | Art therapy appointments are usually for a weekly group or individual session. People come to art therapy for an agreed period of time which will be worked out. Usually, this will start with some assessment sessions before the client and the art therapist decide if a longer period of therapy would be helpful. |
How do people get referred? | People can be referred to art therapy by their keyworker, their doctor or another member of the healthcare team. |
Will it be private? | All art work done in therapy is treated as confidential, in the same way as any other medical or health treatment. Work will be kept safely by the art therapist and at the end of therapy client and therapist can decide what to do with it. |
Further information | If you want to know more about Art Therapy, you can take a look at this leaflet (PDF, 92 KB), or contact the service using the details below. |
NHS Tayside Learning Disability Service - Art Therapy Department
Contact | John McCulloch |
Address | Craigmill Skill Centre, Strathmartine Hospital, Dundee, DD3 0PG |
Telephone | 01382 831972 |
Live Active Leisure - Therapy Day
Description | NHS Tayside runs a therapy day in partnership with Live Active Leisure for anyone with a learning disability living in Perth and Kinross. |
When | Every Monday - you can choose to come for the morning or afternoon session, or for the whole day with a break for lunch at 12pm. Morning session: 9.45am to 12pm Afternoon sessions: 1pm to 2.30pm |
Easy Read | Therapy Day Leaflet (PDF, 430 KB) |
Telephone | 01738 562312 or 01738 562275 |
Address | Bells Sports Centre, Hay St, Perth PH1 5HS |