A Meeting of the Executive Sub-Committee of the Lifelong Learning Committee will be held in Gannochy Suite, Dewars Centre, Glover Street, Perth on Wednesday 4 February 2015 at 10.00am.
If you have any queries please contact Linda Brown on (01738) 475127 or Christina Flynn on (01738) 475450.
Councillor B Band, G Walker, C Gillies, B Vaughan, W Wilson and Mrs H Bridge.
1. Welcome and Apologies/Substitutes
2. Declaration of Interests
3. Minute of Meeting of Executive Sub-Committee of the Lifelong Learning Committee of 26 November 2014 for approval
4. Care Inspectorate Inspections of Care Services for Children and Young People (PDF, 3 MB) - Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 15/63) (Pages 5-38)
The Cottages
Appendix 1: Care Service Inspection Report (Pages 13-38)
5. Standards and Quality in Schools, Learning Communities and Pre-School Centres/Day Care of Children (PDF, 1 MB) - Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 15/64) (Pages 39-54)
Blairgowrie High School
Appendix 1a Summary of Education Scotland Inspection (Page 49)
Appendix 1b Education Scotland follow-through inspection letter (Pages 51-53)