A Meeting of the Executive Sub-Committee of the Lifelong Learning Committee will be held in Committee Room, Fourth Floor, Council Building, 2 High Street, Perth on Wednesday 5 February 2014 January 2014 at 2.00pm.
Councillor B Band, G Walker, C Gillies, B Vaughan, W Wilson and Mrs H Bridge.
1. Welcome and Apologies/Substitutes
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minute of Meeting of Executive Sub-Committee of the Lifelong Learning Committee of 13 November 2013 (for approval)
4. Standards and Quality in Schools, Learning Communities and Pre-School Centres/Day Care of Children (PDF, 2 MB) - Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 14/42) (Pages 3-12)
Madderty Primary School
Appendix 1a Education Scotland Inspection Summary (Pages 13-14)
Appendix 1b Education Scotland Inspection Letter (Pages 15-18)
Appendix 1c Extended Learning and Achievement Visit Report, October 2010 (Pages 19-22)
City of Perth Early Childhood Centre
Appendix 2a Education Scotland and Care Inspectorate Inspection Summary (Pages 23-24)
Appendix 2b Education Scotland Inspection Letter (Pages 25-28)
Appendix 2c Extended Learning and Achievement Visit Report, January 2012 (Pages 29-32)
The Wendy House
Appendix 3 Care Inspectorate Inspection Report on the Day Care of Children (Pages 33-64)
5. Care Inspectorate Inspections of Support And Residential Care Services for Children and Young People (PDF, 3 MB) - Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 14/43) (Pages 65-74)
Woodlea Cottage
Appendix 1a: Care Service inspection report (Pages 75-100)
Appendix 1b: Action plan (Pages 101-121)
The Cottages
Appendix 2a: Care Service inspection report (Pages 122-147)
Appendix 2b: Action plan (Pages 148-168)