A Meeting of the School Estate Sub-Committee of the Lifelong Learning Committee will be held in the Committee Room, Fourth Floor, Council Building, 2 High Street, Perth on Thursday 30 August 2012 at 11.00am.
If you have any queries please contact Scott Hendry on (01738) 475126 or Christina Flynn on (01738) 475450.
Those attending the meeting are requested to ensure that all mobile phones and other communication devices are switched off.
Councillors Bob Band, Ian Miller, Alistair Munro, Caroline Shiers, Gordon Walker and Willie Wilson; Mr I Jackson and Monsignor K McCaffrey
1. Appointment of Convener
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minute of Meeting of the School Estate Sub-Committee of the Lifelong Learning Committee of 8 March 2012 for approval
4. Capital Programme 2012/13 to 2016/17 - Updated Business Cases (PDF, 310 KB) - Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 12/369) (Pages 3-10)
5. Draft School Estate Strategy (PDF, 391 KB) - Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 12/370) (Pages 11-30)
6. School Estate Capital Programme Progress Update (PDF, 311 KB) - Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 12/371) (Pages 31-42)
7. School Estate Core Facts 2012 (PDF, 331 KB) - Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 12/372) (Pages 43-50)