A Meeting of the Lifelong Learning Committee will be held in the Council Chamber, Fourth Floor, Council Building, 2 High Street, Perth on Wednesday 29 January 2014 at 2.00pm.
Councillors B Band (Convener), G Walker (Vice Convener), G Walker, C Gillies, K Howie, G Laing, E Maclachlan, A Munro, D Pover, C Shiers, L Simpson, A Stewart, B Vaughan and W Wilson; Mrs H Bridge, Mr S Coulter, Mrs P Duncan, Mrs P Giles, Mr I Jackson, Mrs A McAuley and Mrs M McFarlane
1. Welcome and Apologies/Substitutes
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes
(i) Minute of Meeting of the Lifelong Learning Committee of 6 November 2013 for approval and signature
(ii) Minute of meeting of Executive Sub-Committee of the Lifelong Learning Committee of 21 August 2014 for noting
(iii) Minute of meeting of School Estates Sub-Committee of the Lifelong Learning Committee of 29 August 2014 for noting
(iv) Minute of meeting of Attendance Sub-Committee of Lifelong Learning Committee of 5 September 2014 for noting
4. Perth and Kinross Community Planning Partnership - Children and Young People's Strategic Group
(i) Minute of Meeting of 7 October 2013 for noting (PDF, 617 KB)
(ii) Verbal Update by Executive Lead Officer
5. Alyth Primary School Option Appraisal (PDF, 2 MB) - Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 14/22) (Pages 15-44)
6. Revised Policy on the Use of Physical Intervention in Education and Children's Services (PDF, 2 MB) - Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 14/23) (Pages 45-96 )
7. Review of Exclusion Guidelines in Education and Children's Services (PDF, 2 MB) - Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 14/24) (Pages 97-160)
8. Standards and Quality Report 2012/13 (PDF, 2 MB) - Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 14/25) (Pages 161-220)
Note: The above report will also be submitted to the Scrutiny Committee on 12 February 2014.