A Meeting of the Lifelong Learning Committee will be held in the Council Chambers, Fourth Floor, Council Building, 2 High Street, Perth on Wednesday 27 August 2014 at 2.00pm.
If you have any queries please contact Linda Brown on (01738) 475127 or Christina Flynn on (01738) 475450.
Councillors B Band (Convener), G Walker (Vice Convener), C Gillies, K Howie, G Laing, E Maclachlan, A Munro, D Pover, C Shiers, L Simpson, A Stewart, B Vaughan and W Wilson; Mrs H Bridge, Mrs P Duncan, Mrs P Giles, Mr I Jackson, Mrs A McAuley and Mrs M McFarlane
1. Welcome and Apologies/Substitutes
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes
(i) Minute of meeting of the Lifelong Learning Committee of 28 May 2014 for approval and signature
(ii) Minute of special meeting of the Lifelong Learning Committee of 25 June 2014 for approval and signature
(iii) Minute of meeting of School Estates Sub-Committee of 6 March 2014 for noting
(iv) Minute of meeting of Joint Negotiating Committee for Teaching Staff of 14 January 2014 for noting
(v) Minute of meeting of Joint Negotiating Committee for Teaching Staff of 25 March 2014 for noting
4. Perth and Kinross Community Planning Partnership - Economy and Lifelong Learning Group
(ii) Community Planning Economy and Lifelong Learning Group Update August 2014 (PDF, 171 KB) - Briefing note by Executive Lead Officer (copy herewith 14/347) (Pages 29-30)
(iv) Children and Young People's Strategic Group Update August 2014 (PDF, 109 KB) - Briefing note by Executive Lead Officer (copy herewith 14/348) (Pages 37-38)
5. Update on the Implementation of the Libraries and Cultural Venues Review (PDF, 994 KB) - Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 14/349) (Pages 39-50)
6. Living Communities: Phase 2 Delivery Update (PDF, 829 KB) - Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 14/350) (Pages 51-60)
7. Perth and Kinross Parenting Strategy (PDF, 5 MB) - Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 14/351) (Pages 61-114)