A Meeting of the Lifelong Learning Committee will be held in the Assembly Hall, North Inch Community Campus, Gowans Terrace, Perth, PH1 5BF on Wednesday 11 March 2015 at 2.00pm.
If you have any queries please contact Linda Brown on (01738) 475127 or Christina Flynn on (01738) 475450.
Those attending the meeting are requested to ensure that all mobile phones and other communication devices are switched off.
Councillors B Band (Convener); G Walker (Vice Convener); C Gillies; K Howie; G Laing; E Maclachlan; A Munro; D Pover; C Shiers; L Simpson; A Stewart; B Vaughan and W Wilson; and Mrs H Bridge; Mrs P Duncan; Mrs P Giles; Mr I Jackson; Mrs A McAuley and Mrs M McFarlane
1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes
(i) Minute of meeting of the Lifelong Learning Committee of 28 January 2015 for approval and signature
(ii) Minute of meeting of the Executive Sub-Committee of the Lifelong Learning Committee of 26 November 2014 for noting
(iii) Minute of meeting of Joint Negotiating Committee for Teaching Staff of 18 November 2014 for noting
4. Perth and Kinross Community Planning Partnership
(i) Minute of meeting of the Economy and Lifelong Learning Group of 31 October 2014 for noting (PDF, 638 KB) (copy herewith) (Pages 15-22)
(ii) Briefing Note by Executive Lead Officer (PDF, 224 KB) (copy herewith 15/115) (Pages 23-24)
(iii) Minute of meeting of the Children and Young People's Strategic Group of 5 December 2014 for noting (PDF, 470 KB) (copy herewith) (Pages 25-30)
(iv) Briefing Note by Executive Lead Officer (PDF, 352 KB) (copy herewith 15/116) (Pages 31-34)
5. School Education Accounts Commission June 2014 (PDF, 1 MB) - Report by the Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 15/112) (Pages 35-46)
Note: Sarah Pollock, Performance Audit and Best Value Officer, Audit Scotland will give a presentation on Audit Scotland National Report on School Education prior consideration of the above report.
6. 2014: A Legacy for Perth and Kinross (PDF, 2 MB) - Joint Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) and Executive Director (The Environment Service) (copy herewith 15/113) (Pages 47-74)
Note: This report will also be submitted to the Enterprise and Infrastructure Committee on 25 March 2015
7. Reserved Places in School 2015/2016 (PDF, 985 KB) - Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 15/114) (Pages 75-86)