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Lifelong Learning Committee - 6 June 2012

A Meeting of the Lifelong Learning Committee will be held in the Council Chambers, Fourth Floor, Council Building, 2 High Street, Perth on Wednesday 6 June 2012 at 3.00pm.

If you have any queries please contact Scott Hendry on (01738) 475126 or Christina Flynn on (01738) 475450.

Those attending the meeting are requested to ensure that all mobile phones and other communication devices are switched off.


Councillors Bob Band (Convener), Gordon Walker (Vice Convener), Callum Gillies, Kate Howie, Grant Laing, Elspeth Maclachlan, Alistair Munro, Douglas Pover, Caroline Shiers, Lewis Simpson, Alexander Stewart, Barbara Vaughan and Willie Wilson; Mrs H Bridge, Mrs P Giles, Mr I Jackson, Mrs A McAuley and Monsignor K McCaffrey


1.    Declarations of Interest

2.    Minutes

       (i)    Minute of Meeting of the Lifelong Learning Committee of 14 March 2012 for approval and signature (Pages 221-231 of the 8 February 2012 - 28 March 2012 Minute Volume)

       (ii)    Minute of Meeting of the Attendance Sub-Committee of the Lifelong Learning Committee of 12 January 2012 for noting

       (iii)   Minutes of Meetings of the Executive Sub-Committee of the Lifelong Learning Committee

                (a)    Minute of Meeting of 1 February 2012 for noting

                (b)    Minute of Meeting of 30 March 2012 for noting

       (iv)    Minute of Meeting of the Joint Negotiating Committee for Teaching Staff of 17 January 2012 for noting

       (v)     Minute of Meeting of the School Estate Sub-Committee of the Lifelong Learning Committee of 17 November 2011 for noting

3.    Non-Council Members

       The Committee are asked to note the decision taken at the Full Council meeting on 23 May 2012, that the current non-Council Members be re-appointed to the Lifelong Learning Committee and relevant Sub-Committees until the end of the current calendar year.

4.    Appointment of Members to Sub-Committees of the Lifelong Learning Committee

In terms of the Council's Scheme of Administration, the Committee is asked to appoint members to the following Sub-Committees:

(i)    Executive Sub-Committee (comprising five members of the Council)
(ii)   Attendance Sub-Committee (comprising three members of the Council, not being the Convener or Vice-Convener of the Lifelong Learning Committee)
(iii)  School Estate Sub-Committee (comprising six members of the Council, including the Convener of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee)
(iv)   Review Sub-Committee (comprising three members of the Council, not being the Convener or Vice-Convener of the Lifelong Learning Committee)

5.    Appointment of Members to the Education Appeal Committee

       In terms of Section 28D of the Education (Scotland) Act 1980 and the Council's Scheme of Administration, the Committee are required to appoint a panel of members from which the Council's representatives can be selected as required to sit on the Education Appeal Committee

6.    Appointment of Members to the Perth and Kinross Educational Trust Committee

       In terms of the Perth and Kinross Educational Trust Scheme 1964 and the Council's Scheme of Administration, the Committee are required to appoint eleven members to the Trust Committee

7.    Appointment of Members to the Joint Negotiating Committee for Teaching Staff

       In terms of the Local Recognition and Procedure Agreement for the Joint Negotiating Committee for Teaching Staff, the Committee are asked to appoint three members to the Joint Negotiating Committee

8.   Breakfast Clubs in Schools (PDF, 317 KB) - Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 12/220) (Pages 13-20)

9.   Education and Children's Services Joint Business Management and Improvement Plan 2012-15 and Annual Performance Report 2011-12 (PDF, 877 KB) - Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 12/221) (Pages 21-84)

       Note: The above report will also be submitted to the Scrutiny Committee on 20 June 2012

Last modified on 07 June 2013

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