A Meeting of the Perth Common Good Fund Committee will be held in the Gannochy Suite, Dewar's Centre, Glover Street, Perth on Wednesday 25 February 2015 at 11.00am.
If you have any queries please contact Yvonne Oliver on (01738) 475125 or Christina Flynn on (01738) 475450.
Councillors J Coburn (Convener), B Band, P Barrett, D Doogan, J Flynn, C Gillies, A Grant, E Maclachlan, A MacLellan, I Miller, A Munro, A Stewart, H Stewart and W Wilson
1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minute of Meeting of 17 December 2015 for approval and signature
4. Matters Arising
5. Harbour End Store, Friarton Road, Perth - Proposed Demolition (PDF, 719 KB) - Report by Executive Director (Environment) (copy herewith 15/83) (Pages 5-12)
6. Application for Financial Assistance (PDF, 950 KB) - Report by Executive Director (Environment) (copy herewith 15/84) (Pages 13-24)
7. 2014/15 Financial Statement (PDF, 816 KB) - Joint Report by Head of Finance and Executive Director (Environment) (copy herewith 15/85) (Pages 25-34)