A Meeting of the Auchterarder Common Good Fund Committee will be held in the Council Chambers, Fourth Floor, Council Building, 2 High Street, Perth on Wednesday 26 February 2014 immediately following the meeting of the Perth and Aberfeldy Common Good Fund Committees which commence at 11.00am on that date.
Councillor Ann Gaunt (Convener), Tom Gray, Murray Lyle, Ian Miller and Alan Grant.
1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minute of Meeting of 2 October 2013 for approval and signature
4. Request to temporarily close core path/right of way across Auchterarder Golf Course (PDF, 658 KB) - Report by Depute Director (Environment) (copy herewith 14/82) (Pages 3-10)
5. St Margaret's Hospital Field - Allotments (PDF, 342 KB) - Report by Depute Director (Environment) (copy herewith 14/83) (Pages 11-18)
6. 2013/2014 Auchterarder Financial Statement (PDF, 148 KB) - Joint Report by Head of Finance and Executive Director (Environment) (copy herewith 14/84) (Pages 19-26)