Elected Member Briefing Note 2023, Issue 14
About this briefing note
Report by: Elaine Ritchie
Date: 30 January 2023
Subject: Consultation on Potterhill Gardens estate
Responsible Officer: Helen Hatfield, Project Officer, Housing
This briefing provides details of a consultation the Housing Service is carrying out with residents of the Potterhill Gardens estate in Perth.
Briefing Information
Perth & Kinross Council is in the process of considering how the Potterhill Gardens area should look in future, and we want to work in close partnership with residents to make sure the estate is as good as it can be for the people who live there.
We are launching a consultation with residents of the estate to ask them:
- If they think the estate should retain its original open-plan design
- How they feel about community safety on the estate
- What amenities and features they would like to see in Potterhill Gardens
A letter will be sent to each household in Potterhill Gardens explaining why we are carrying out the consultation, and asking them to take part in a short survey to let us know their views. A printed copy of the survey will be included with each letter and residents will also be given the opportunity to take part online.
In addition, we are holding a drop-in public engagement event to gather more views from people who live in Potterhill Gardens about what they would like to see for the area. This will take place at Kinnoull Church Hall on Tuesday 7 February between 11am and 3pm.
No decisions have yet been taken about any works that will take place in Potterhill Gardens or how the estate will look in future. Any decisions we take will be driven by the feedback we receive from residents.
We will keep you fully informed as this project moves forward.