Elected Member Briefing Note 2023, Issue 42
About this briefing note
Report by: Lisa Potter, Communications and Performance Manager
Date: 5 April 2023
Subject: Tick awareness
Responsible Officer: Thomas Glen, Chief Executive
To advise Elected Members of a notice published by Public Health Scotland which mentions Perth and Kinross.
Briefing Information
Public Health Scotland has today published a news item about the importance of avoiding getting bitten by ticks, which references a probable human case of tick-borne encephalitis which is likely to have been acquired in the Loch Earn area.
The item on Public Health Scotland's website states that it is not possible to determine conclusively if the case was tick-borne encephalitis or louping ill virus infection, as they are very closely related conditions. However, the probable case linked to Loch Earn may be picked up in national and local media coverage from today which has mostly been about tick-borne encephalitis virus carrying ticks which have been identified in areas of England.
Public advice is to take steps to avoid being bitten by ticks by wearing appropriate clothing (long-sleeved tops and long trousers) and checking skin for ticks after being outdoors in areas where ticks are likely to be. Including woodland, moorland, grassy areas and gardens. NHS Inform includes information for the public about avoiding and treating tick bites.