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Elected Member Briefing - School meals uptake

Elected Member Briefing Note 2023, Issue 9

About this briefing note

Report by: Andy Cook, Service Manager (Contracts and Facilities) 

Date: 24 January 2023 

Subject: School meal uptake

Responsible Officer: Greg Boland, Head of Business and Resources, Education & Children's Services



To provide information in respect of school meal uptake in the current financial year which was requested at the meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee on 30 November 2022. 

Briefing Information 

School meal uptake and budget position 

There has been an increase in school meal uptake since the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown periods and the easing of restrictions as the financial year has progressed across both Secondary and Primary schools.  However, school meal uptake remains below the budgeted school meals for the financial year.  It is worth noting that there has been an improvement in school meal uptake in the 3rd quarter of 2022 which has resulted in increased income now projected for the financial year.  

The following tables show the school meal uptake across both Secondary and Primary Schools within Perth and Kinross and also in Angus and Dundee City Councils as comparators. 

Secondary meal uptake - daily average

Cycle 1 22/23

Cycle 2 22/23Cycle 3 22/23Cycle 4 22/23Cycle 6 22/23Cycle 7 22/23Cycle 8 22/23Cycle 9 22/23


Primary meal uptake - daily average
 Cycle 1 22/23Cycle 2 22/23Cycle 3 22/23Cycle 4 22/23Cycle 6 22/23Cycle 7 22/23Cycle 8 22/23Cycle 9 22/23


The recent increase in school meals uptake is a positive but it does not compensate for the overall lower than budgeted school meals and income for the full financial year due to low meal uptake (particularly in secondaries) at the start of the financial year.  

The financial situation in terms of the school meal budget has been impacted by inflation, the increased pay award for staff and the lower than anticipated school meals uptake in the early part of the financial year.   

Ongoing work 

The Council Continues to work with Tayside Contracts to improve both free and paid school meal uptake in both primary and secondary settings through the development and implementation of a joint improvement plan. primary settings we will do this through menu redesign to remove unpopular options, awareness raising in terms of the nutritional and environmental benefits of the school meal offer, and joint working with school staff to educate pupils and parents to make healthier choices. 

In Secondaries in addition to the above we are using the information identified by The Scottish Poverty & Inequality Research Unit (SPIRU) survey which took place in 2022 and included a number of Perth and Kinross secondary schools as part of a national survey Fuelled in School. This survey reported that the 3 main drivers for secondary aged pupils not taking a school meal were as follows. 

  • The school meal offer - with pupils stating that they prefer retail consumer offers - these offers are not constrained by the requirements of the Food Regulations and range from fast food offers to pupils simply not bothering to take a meal at lunch time.
    • Proposed actions to address this: to combat this the Council are trying to raise awareness of the health and nutritional benefits of the school meal service offer, as well as the sustainable approach adopted by Tayside Contracts in the preparation of school meals. The Council cannot compete in terms of offering sweet rewards or by offering popular items such as crisps, or products that contain high levels of sugar or salt due to the Food Regulations. 
  • The wish for a change of environment during the lunch break - pupils seeking a break from the regimented school setting.
    • Proposed actions to address this: the Council and Tayside Contracts are enhancing options for grab and go type meals.  We are also introducing ways to reduce queue times such as on-line apps (which allow pupils to pre order their meals) and multiple service points, so they can collect their meals quickly and then eat it elsewhere, thus allowing pupils to control where they eat but maximising the opportunities for them to take the school meal option. 
    • The actual dining facilities - not being consistent with wider external catering offers.
      • Proposed actions to address this: the Council are looking at ways to make the existing dining facilities more welcoming and adjusting dining spaces to better meet pupil requirements. 
Last modified on 18 March 2024

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