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Elected Member Briefing - Warm spaces and warm packs

Elected Member Briefing Note 2023, Issue 17

About this briefing note

Report by: Paul Smith Team Leader, Performance & Business Support

 Date: 31 January 2023 

Subject: Warm Spaces and Warm Packs update

Responsible Officer: Clare Mailer, Executive Lead, Strategic Planning & Transformation



This briefing is intended as a follow up to the Council meeting on 28th September 2022 when approval was given to allocate £470k from Covid reserves to mitigate the cost-of-living crisis. From this allocation £150k was to fund the provision of warm spaces in communities, and a further £170k was for the provision of warm home packs and food. Another £100k was approved and the Finance and Resources Committee in December to supplement these provisions.

The purpose of this briefing is to inform how these funds have been distributed and to provide feedback from community groups on the impact and outcomes that this has delivered to date.

Briefing information

Warm Spaces

The number of warm spaces applications received to date is 86 and £178,094 has been allocated to these. A list and map of warm spaces across PKC has been produced and can be accessed from the PKC website Warm spaces

Warm Home packs and food

The number of applications received so far is 85, with £223,848 of funding allocated. The council did not specify what should be in a warm home pack, this was left to each community group to decide but typically this would have been items such as flasks, hot water bottles, blankets etc.

Allocation of funds

Currently there is approximately £20k of funding remaining, It is expected that this will all be allocated to remaining applications this week.

The number of applications per ward in Perth and Kinross is shown in the table below:

Carse of Gowrie12
Blairgowrie and Glens26
Almond & Earn16
Perth City South34
Perth City North44
Perth City Centre41

Feedback from Community Groups

A decision was taken not to ask groups to report attendance or uptake in detail initially, due to the speed at which solutions were put in place and a wish not to saddle community groups with the burden of regular reporting distracting them from provision of help and support. More detailed monitoring information in terms of take up, attendance etc is being collated and will be shared once available.

Last modified on 18 March 2024

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