Elected Member Briefing Note 2022, Issue 3
About this briefing note
Report by: Stewart Mackenzie, Head of Finance
Date: 19 May 2022
Subject: Update on temporary issue with card payment provider
Responsible Officer: Lynn Law, Financial Systems Team Leader, Finance
To provide an update on the temporary issue with card payment providers in late April/early May which has now been resolved. This is an update to information provided to elected members on 11 May 2022 (pre-dating the introduction of the published Elected Member Briefing Note system).
Briefing information
Due to a national issue with our card payment provider there was a delay in processing credit or debit payments to the Council online or by phone on 29 and 30 April and 1 and 2 May 2022.
This issue has now been resolved and all payments made on those dates have now been successfully received by the Council.
A small number of customers did pay twice after believing their initial payments had failed. These overpayments were refunded as same day payments into their bank accounts to minimise the impact on these individuals.