Elected Member Briefing Note 2022, Issue 49
About this briefing note
Report by: Richard Welch, Senior Project Officer, Communities
Date: 15 November 2022
Subject: Update on Progress for the Multi-Storeys Strategy
Responsible Officer: Nicola Lennon, Service Manager, Capital Improvements and New Build, Communities
This Briefing Note has been published on the Council's website following circulation to Councillors.
Multi-Storeys Strategy - update on progress
Briefing information
Resident questionnaire
The resident questionnaire and pre-paid return envelope were hand delivered to the council tenants, private owners, and private tenants in Potterhill, both blocks at Pomarium Street and Market, Milne & Lickley Court on Monday 31 October 2022. The questionnaire will run from 1 November 2022 until 30 November 2022. Private landlords had a copy sent out by recorded delivery.
Posters advising of the questionnaire were also displayed in prominent communal areas and the multi-storey newsletter due in mid-November 2022 will contain a reminder for the residents to complete the questionnaire.
Environmental Sensors
In order for the Council to apply for HEEPS-ABS funding to assist private owners with their share of the External Wall Insulation works we need to monitor the conditions within the flats before and after the improvement works. We are writing to all Council tenants in the flats to ask for their assistance in allowing us to install environmental sensors in their homes to monitor the temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide levels. The data gathered will help us identify how the buildings are performing and allow us to target measure to increase energy efficiency and improve the environmental conditions.
The sensors are battery operated and do not need a broadband connection. The Gateway which needs installed as part of the system is mains voltage and the electricity will cost around £2.50 per annum. The sensors and Gateway have a life expectancy of 10 years therefore we can monitor how the building is performing after any improvements have been carried out.
Details of the sensors and gateway can be found on the Aico website.