Elected Member Briefing Notes 2022, Issue 35
About this briefing note
Report by: Mark Butterworth - Head of Environmental and Consumer Services
Date: 15 September 2022
Subject: North Inch Golf Course essential maintenance work
Responsible Officer: Andy Clegg - Greenspace Service Manager
This Briefing Note has been published on the Council's website following circulation to Councillors. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.
The purpose of this briefing is to advise Elected Members of essential maintenance works at the North Inch Golf Course, which are planned to commence on 19 September 2022.
Briefing information
In line with national guidance and the approach that Perth and Kinross Council has agreed, the golf course will be closed to customers on 19 September 2022. However, the course is in need of some urgent, and time critical, maintenance works, which primarily involves coring works for all the greens. The work has been scheduled for some time, and it is planned to commence on Monday 19 September through to Friday 23 September during which time all bookings have been blocked.The required machinery is already hired therefore any postponement or cancellation would result in the Council incurring abortive costs as well as a loss of revenue as the greens would be redundant until the works were complete.
It is therefore intended to continue with the scheduled essential maintenance works at the golf course as planned.