Elected Member Briefing Note 2022, Issue 66
About this briefing note
Report by: Niamh Anderson, Waste Awareness Co-ordinator
Date: 21 December 2022
Subject: December - Waste Services Update
Responsible Officer: Annie Nettleton, Waste Services Co-ordinator
This briefing note serves as a concise summary of recent updates from Waste Services for Elected Members to stay informed. Links are included where appropriate to provide further information that can be shared by Elected Members throughout the community.
Briefing Information
Household Recycling Roll Out - Perth City Centre
Perth City Centre residents now have access to communal Dry Mixed Recycling and Food Waste Recycling bins located in previously placed 'bin hubs'. These Recycling Bins were introduced on 26 November 2022.
Find out more about Perth City Centre's Recycling Roll Out.
Residents were well informed of this change through stalls, lettering, householder engagement and social media communication using the hashtag #RecyclingRollOutPerth.
Monitoring of these bins by our Recycling Improvement Assistants has now commenced on a weekly basis and will continue into the new year to identify any problem areas.
Approximately 50% of Food Waste Recycling bins are in use and non-contaminated, along with 90% of Dry Mixed Recycling bins in use with the vast majority remaining uncontaminated.
Cleaning of food waste units will commence from the 22nd of December 2022 on a monthly basis. This will be monitored to ensure the frequency of cleaning is suitable.
Reflective tape will soon be added to communal bins in the following locations to increase visibility due to their positioning on the road or in parking bays:
- Victoria Street
- Rose Terrace
- Melville Street
Food Waste
Waste Services are currently working on developing a Food Waste Action Plan that will look at domestic, commercial, and internal food waste (in PKC Schools and Council buildings). As part of this strategy, PKC will work with local communities and businesses to help implement change in the way we view and deal with our Food Waste.
Read more on our pages.
Dry Mixed Recycling (DMR) Contamination Monitoring
DMR Contamination Monitoring has previously taken place around Kinross. We will be re-commencing monitoring in January 2023 after reviewing areas of high contamination as potential locations to target.
DMR Contamination Rate 2022
These rates give an indication of DMR Contamination over the whole of Perth and Kinross and are updated at the end of every month. No contamination fee was incurred from April - October, up to this point the contamination rate was sitting comfortably below the 20% threshold:
Date | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November |
Rate (%) | 16.84% | 17.74% | 18.05% | 15.46% | 16.92% | 18.80% | 18.17% | 21.45% |
Fine received | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes |
Assisted Lifts
The Assisted Lift Service is available for people who, due to their age or disability, are unable to present or retrieve their wheelie bins and have no other means of support to do this.
Assisted lift applications can now be made online. Residents who cannot apply online or require assistance to do so can apply by phoning 01738 476476.
Melville Street, Perth
Several blocks of flats on Melville Street, Perth, which currently run on a pink sack and individual bin service, will be changed to communal bins over the coming months. This will allow for efficient collections and easier disposal of waste and recycling.
Garden Waste permits
Applications for 2022/23 Garden Waste Permit have now closed.
Permits for 2023/24 will be available for householders to purchase from 6 January 2023.
In the spirit of reducing waste, a reduced number of householders will receive plastic-free written communication regarding Garden Waste Permits. Other householders will receive digital communication by email.
Information regarding Garden Waste Permits is printed on the reverse of permits and can be found on our Garden Waste page.
Food waste can be recycled by householders in the brown bin free of charge.
Householders who have garden waste and do not have a permit, can dispose of this free of charge at their local recycling centre.
Battery recycling bank at Bertha Park
A new permanent Small Electricals Recycling Bank has been installed at the Recycling Point outside Bertha Park High School, on Adamson Avenue. This point can be used by all householders for recycling their small electricals.
Oil filled radiators should not be placed in the Small Electricals Recycling as this can contribute to fires. These should be placed next to the fridge/freezer recycling area at a
local recycling centre.
Facebook communications
To keep up with the latest updates and information surrounding Perth and Kinross Council's Waste Services follow our Facebook page.
Our December/January social media will include posts to raise awareness surrounding the following:
- Food Waste Reduction / Recycling Over Christmas
- Christmas Service information
- WEEE Recycling Facilities
- Garden Waste Permit Information
- Battery Recycling Information
- Bertha Park Recycling Facilities Update
- Dry Mixed Recycling Contamination Information
- City Centre Recycling Bin Monitoring
- January DMR Monitoring Reminders
If you have any questions or enquiries, please contact: wasteawareness@pkc.gov.uk