Elected Member Briefing Note 2022, Issue 59
About this briefing note
Report by: Claire Leishman, Waste Services Team Leader
Date: 8 December 2022
Subject: Council sponsorship and advertising
Responsible Officer: Jim Dixon, Waste Services Coordinator
To inform elected members about a review of the Council's sponsorship and advertising initiative.
Briefing information
As part of previous transformation project work, Community Partners Limited (aka CP Media) were contracted by the Council from 2018 to 2021 to market for commercial entities through advertising on Council assets such as roundabouts and Recycling Centres.
All sponsorship agreements put into place by CP Media on the Council's behalf were concluded by February 2021 and the contract with CP Media Ltd expired on 31 March 2021. Since then, no further agreements were issued beyond that date, but advertising has continued.
As part of discussions on the budget process it has been suggested that the issue of sponsorship of Council assets should be reviewed as part of the Transformation agenda or be included in the commercialisation review of Commercial Waste Services which is currently being carried out by APSE.
In the interim, pending new agreement on the way forward, it is intended that the companies currently benefiting from the previous agreed signage, which is still in place, should be advised that advertising boards will be removed as the agreements have expired. Additionally, the website page will be closed off to allow the review to be carried out.