Elected Member Briefing Notes 2022, Issue 38
About this briefing note
Report by: Bernadette Martin-Scott, Service Manager Early Years and Childcare
Date: 4 October 2022
Subject: Summer holiday food, childcare and activities
Responsible Officer: Susan Johnstone, Team Leader Early Years and Primary
This Briefing Note has been published on the Council's website following circulation to Councillors. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.
The purpose of this Briefing Note is to update Elected Members of the 2022 Summer Holiday Programme offering activities, food and childcare targeted to children aged 5 to 14 years old from families in need around Perth and Kinross.
Briefing information
Over 45 services have delivered a range of free Summer Holiday Activity programmes across Perth and Kinross.
These programmes gave children from low-income families the opportunity to play, socialise, get active and access a range of activities that broaden their experiences, supplement their learning and deliver positive outcomes, integrating food into the activities.
Funding came from Perth & Kinross Council's share of Scottish Government funding for these activities (£242,363 for Summer 2022) in addition to our own investment to support families experiencing food insecurity during school holiday periods through the "Fuelled for Fun" project.
A further £104,000 was agreed by the Council in ongoing support for these efforts during the October 2022, Christmas 2022-23 and Easter 2023 school holidays.
Education and Children's Services has also made available £35,000 to assist local youth groups around Perth and Kinross to provide a range of activities such as swimming, cooking, outdoor sports etc.
Programmes that were carried out over the summer included Forest Kindergarten Sessions, Kids Clubs and Wraparound Care, Family Learning Sessions and LAL football camps.
In total, 4,796 children registered at services and 4,492 attended summer play and food sessions.
Over 30,000 snacks and meal portions were provided to children and families.
The number of new services for children and families more than doubled, rising by 117.5% while the capacity of existing services rose by 88.5%.
The key benefits delivered by these programmes included:
- Reduced financial strain on families
- Children, young people and families received a meal
- Opportunities for outdoor learning
- Creation of new and positive social connections between peers
- Positive and safe environments for attendees to take part in activities
- Strengthened relationships between services and parents
- New opportunities for children and families to access universal services they may not have accessed before with no stigma or barriers such as cost
- Children experiences new activities including trips within Perth and Kinross and in neighbouring authorities
- Families able to spend quality time together
- Parents learned about healthy eating on a budget
- Children and young people learned new skills
Planning is now underway for October and Christmas holiday periods. The fund will re-open in November for any interested group looking to support children and young people over the Easter holiday period.