1. MyPKC

Elected Member Briefing - Public Toilets

Elected Member Briefing Note 2023, issue 97

About this briefing note

Report by: Mark Butterworth, Head of Environmental and Consumer Services

Date: 18 September 2023

Subject: Public Toilets - Implementation of budget savings

Responsible Officer: Claire Leishman, Waste Services Team Leader



This paper provides Members with an update on the Scottish Local Authority Renumeration Committee (SLARC) survey carried out in June this year.

Briefing Information

At the annual budget setting meeting on 1 March 2023, it was agreed that the Council would retain only the highest footfall attended public toilets (Pitlochry and Dunkeld) and close all other attended toilets, whilst providing alternative provision via Comfort Schemes.  

To implement this proposal, and achieve the agreed £0.085m saving, Pitlochry and Dunkeld would remain open, whilst the following Council operated attended Public Toilets would cease to be run by the Council on 31 March 2024:

  • Wellmeadow, Blairgowrie 
  • Auchterarder 
  • Marshall Place, Perth   
  • James Square, Crieff 

It is important to note that there are currently no proposed changes to the unattended toilets and Automatic Public Conveniences, therefore the following facilities would be unaffected. 


  • Comrie and St Fillans 
  • Automatic Public Conveniences (APCs):
  • MacRosty Park Crieff, Kirkgate Park Kinross, Old School Yard Blair Atholl, Taybridge Terrace Aberfeldy and Larghan Park Coupar Angus  

Implementation Plan

Whilst the Council will no longer operate the facilities listed above, it is hoped that the community may come together to operate the facilities themselves, where they are valued and there is capacity in the community to do so.   It will be important to identify local interest as early as possible, to ensure continuity, and a seamless transition.

Whilst some discussions have already taken place with community groups regarding the potential for a Community Asset Transfer, officers from the Waste Strategy team will work alongside officers from the Communities team, who already have links within community groups, to identify any potential interest.  However, should any elected member be aware of any potential interest from the community, please can you advise officers and we will contact them directly.

Should no interest from the community be established, the buildings may be declared surplus to requirements and the matrix below would be applied. 




Can the facility be utilised by other PKC Teams?



Can the building/land be sold - marketing to be carried out?



If no other use, is the building suitable for demolition?


Comfort Scheme Changes 

Additional Comfort Schemes will be sought in locations where facilities are closed and be operational by 1 April 2024.  In addition, changes to the payment matrix for existing Comfort Schemes will also be introduced on 1 April 2024 to ensure that a transparent and equitable payment mechanism is in place.  Officers will contact existing Comfort Scheme providers to explain the changes in time for the new financial year.   


A full communications plan will be developed to include information to: 

  • Members of the Public 
  • Community Groups/Community Council 
  • Relevant internal stakeholders such as Property Services, Estates, Place Development 
  • Media releases 
  • Changes to website

To keep up with the latest updates and information surrounding Perth and Kinross Council's Waste Services follow our Facebook page.

If you have any questions or enquiries, please email.

Last modified on 11 April 2024

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