Elected Member Briefing Note 2022, Issue 7
About this briefing note
Report by: Elaine Ritchie, Senior Service Manager, Housing
Date: 8 June 2022
Subject: Results of Tenant Satisfaction Survey 2022
Responsible Officer: Michelle Dow, Service Manager, Housing
This Briefing Note has been published on the Council's website following circulation to Councillors. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.
This briefing note provides you with the results of the Tenant Satisfaction Survey 2022 carried out by the Housing Service, and our plans for the 2022/23 Tenant Satisfaction Survey.
Briefing information
Perth & Kinross Council Housing Service is committed to listening to tenants and using their views to continually improve the services we provide.
To help us achieve this we regularly carry out tenant satisfaction surveys. In 2022 we commissioned independent market research company Knowledge Partnership to complete a tenant satisfaction survey on our behalf. We carried out our previous Tenant Satisfaction Survey in 2020.
The Knowledge Partnership carried out a mixture of face-to-face and telephone interviews with a selected sample of tenants. The survey was held between February 14th and April 1st 2022 and 1,000 tenants were interviewed, comprising 42.2% of all sampled tenants.
Tenants were asked how satisfied they were with housing services against a number of national key indicators set by the Scottish Housing Regulator.
Tenant Satisfaction Survey 2022 results
Key indicator | % of tenants very and fairly satisfied in 2022 | Satisfaction % in 2020 |
Satisfaction with Council's overall service | 82.2 | 82.9 |
Satisfaction with being kept informed about services and decisions | 88.1 | 86.5 |
Satisfaction with opportunities to participate in decision making | 76.3 | 75.4 |
Satisfaction with quality of home | 80.9 | 80.7 |
Satisfaction with management/contribution of neighbourhood by Council | 80.3 | 80.2 |
Rating of rent as very good or fairly good value for money | 84.9 | 89.1 |
Satisfaction with our Repairs Service is recorded regularly through engagement with tenants who have had a repair carried out. However, as part of the Tenant Satisfaction Survey we asked tenants how satisfied they were with the service. 76.8% of tenants were satisfied with the Repairs Service, compared to 76.6% in 2020.
Other findings
We also asked tenants a range of other questions on how they felt about their Housing Services:
- Most tenants (71.2%) agreed that they had been adequately supported by the Council's Housing Service, during the Coronavirus lockdown.
- Tenants' preferred method for getting in touch with the Council post-Covid is by phone (77.6% chose this method).
- Tenants' overall preferences for being contacted by the Council are by phone (60.5%) and letter (45.4%). Approximately one in five tenants (22.6%) would like also to be contacted by email.
- Almost six in 10 tenants (56.7%) felt that their Locality Housing Office should revert to pre-lockdown hours of opening.
- Nearly one in five tenants (22.4%) believed that home visits by staff should be made available where this is preferred by the tenant. Home visits are particularly preferred by retired tenants, and those who are unable to work (representing 79.0% of all 'home visit' preferences).
The survey results are largely positive and indicate that a significant majority of our tenants (82.2%) are satisfied with the overall service they receive from Perth & Kinross Council as their landlord. The latest Scottish Council average for overall satisfaction is 76.8%.
Most tenants (80.9%) are satisfied with housing quality, well above the Scottish Council average of 73.6%.
Almost ninety percent (88.1%) of tenants in 2022 said the Council was good at keeping them informed about services and decisions. The Scottish Council average is 76.7%.
In addition, more than eight in 10 tenants are satisfied with most key elements of the housing service such as neighbourhood management, and value for money.
Next Steps
The results are being analysed in detail to see how our services can be further improved in areas where tenants expressed the highest levels of dissatisfaction.
Our Locality Teams will work with tenants in their local community to progress any proposed actions so that we can continue to work together to drive further improvements within the housing service.
We will keep you updated with improvement actions we carry out.
2022/23 Tenant Satisfaction Survey
Our 2022/2023 Tenant Satisfaction Survey began on 1st June 2022 and will run until March 31st 2023. For the first time we will use a series of monthly surveys.
It will be completed using a combination of phone and face-to-face surveys and will run on a month-to-month basis, providing regular feedback to the Council on how we are performing. The purpose of the survey is to learn from customer feedback so we can develop our services accordingly.
Tenants are picked from a sample to take part, and the Knowledge Partnership will contact tenants if they are chosen. Interviews will last no longer than 10 minutes, and all responses are treated as anonymous and confidential.