Final confirmed scheme
The Council commenced construction of the Comrie Flood Protection Scheme in October 2024. The purpose of the scheme is to manage the combined risk of flooding to Comrie from the Water of Ruchill, the River Earn and the River Lednock.
The confirmed scheme comprises a combination of flood defence walls and embankments. The flood defences will incorporate appropriate groundwater seepage cut-offs, drainage works, road works, accommodation works and erosion protection measures. Some of the historic flood defences to the west of Dalginross have reached the end of their life and so the plans include for their demolition and replacement with new, more robust structures.
The flood defences will be located on the right bank of the Water of Ruchill and along both banks of the rivers Earn and Lednock through Comrie. The total extent of the defences is approximately 2.8km.
Statutory process and scheme documents
The Council has secured the necessary statutory approval for the scheme under the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009. The proposed Scheme was confirmed without modification by the Council's Environment and Infrastructure Committee on 18 August 2021. The Council published the required statutory notice to this effect on 3 September 2021 and the Scheme became operative on 15 October 2021.
The Scottish Ministers directed that planning permission was deemed to be granted on 16 December 2021.
The confirmed scheme documents can be viewed below.
The scheme documents contain a description of the proposed scheme and drawings showing the extent and scale of the operations and the land which may be affected. Copies of the scheme description and drawings can be downloaded using the links below.
- Notice letter (PDF, 87 KB)
- Flood Order Notice (PDF, 90 KB)
- Flood Order (Scheme Description) (PDF, 496 KB)
- 1. Flood Order (scheme drawing overview) (PDF, 7 MB)
- 2. Flood Order Drawings - River Earn Left Bank (Dalginross Bridge to Comrie Holiday Park) (PDF, 5 MB)
- 3. Flood Order Drawings - River Lednock (PDF, 3 MB)
- 4. Flood Order Drawings - Water of Ruchill (Aros Field to Dalginross Bridge) (PDF, 5 MB)
- 5. Flood Order Drawings - River Earn Right Bank (Dalginross Bridge to Tay Place) (PDF, 6 MB)
- 6. Flood Order Drawings - The Ross (PDF, 1 MB)
- 7. Flood Order Drawings - Scheme Cross Sections (PDF, 5 MB)
- Public Consultation Report - Short (Final) (PDF, 406 KB)
- Public Consultation Report - Full (Final) (PDF, 1 MB)
- Environmental Impact Assessment Report - Non tech summary (PDF, 2 MB)
- Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR)
- EIAR Ch 1 Introduction (PDF, 12 MB)
- EIAR Ch 2 Flood Act Remit and Policy (PDF, 629 KB)
- EIAR Ch 3 Scheme Description and Alternatives (PDF, 12 MB)
- EIAR Ch 4 Approach to Assessment (PDF, 26 MB)
- EIAR Ch 6 Water Environment (PDF, 11 MB)
- EIAR Ch 7 Hydrogeology & Contamination (PDF, 5 MB)
- EIAR Ch 8 Ecology (non confidential) (PDF, 11 MB)
- EIAR Ch 9 Cultural Heritage (PDF, 6 MB)
- EIAR Ch 10 Socio-economy, Access and Amenity (PDF, 16 MB)
- EIAR Ch 11 Cumulative (PDF, 5 MB)
- EIAR Ch 12 Residual Effects & Mitigation (PDF, 1 MB)
- Comrie Technical Report (PDF, 4 MB)
Please email to request copies of the following document:
- Comrie technical report - Flood mapping appendix
Comrie Flood Protection Study - Feasibility Study (Mouchel 2017)
The initial feasibility study for the Comrie flood protection scheme was finalised by Mouchel (now WSP) in 2017. The report is available below:
Associated appendices
- Appendix A (PDF, 741 KB)
- Appendix B (PDF, 4 MB)
- Appendix C (PDF, 2 MB)
- Appendix D (PDF, 2 MB)
- Appendix E (PDF, 5 MB)
- Appendix F (PDF, 9 MB)
- Appendix G (PDF, 3 MB)
- Appendix H (PDF, 15 MB)
- Appendix I (PDF, 75 MB)
- Appendix J (PDF, 28 MB)
- Appendix K (PDF, 14 MB)
- Appendix L (PDF, 534 KB)
- Appendix M (PDF, 295 KB)
- Appendix N (PDF, 3 MB)
- Appendix O (PDF, 1 MB)
- Appendix P (PDF, 4 MB)
- Appendix Q (PDF, 118 MB)
- Appendix R (PDF, 12 MB)
- Appendix S (PDF, 21 MB)
- Appendix V (PDF, 60 MB)
- Appendix W (PDF, 383 KB)
- Appendix X (PDF, 263 KB)
Statutory process - Local Hearing
After publishing the proposed Comrie flood protection scheme on 28 February 2020, the Council received two valid objections within the 28-day notice period. One objection was subsequently withdrawn, but the remaining objection was maintained. A Local Hearing was held on 24 June 2020 to consider this objection - follow the link for further details of the process.
Community drop-in sessions
September 2024
Ahead of the start of the main construction contract, a drop in session was held on Thursday 26 September 2024 (White Church, Ruchill Hall, 2-7pm).
We would like to thank those that took the time to attend the event . This was well attended by the local community, with 70 people registering their attendance, and final numbers estimated closer to 100 attendees.
Display information from the event is available to view below:
- Introduction display (PDF, 564 KB)
- Overview of the Comrie Flood Protection Scheme (PDF, 25 MB)
- Access plans (PDF, 7 MB)
June 2022
Please find below display materials from a previous community drop in session held in June 2022:
- Introduction (PDF, 972 KB)
- Advance works overview (PDF, 1 MB)
- Construction access plan (PDF, 2 MB)
- Construction working areas (WoR) (PDF, 1 MB)
- Construction working areas (EarnLednock) (PDF, 1 MB)
- Wall finishes (WoR) (PDF, 1 MB)
- Wall finishes (EarnLednock) (PDF, 1 MB)
- What happens next? (PDF, 695 KB)
We have liaised with landowners and residents following this event to address comments that were raised.
May 2019
The consultation report for two events held in April and May 2019 can be viewed below:
September 2016
Two community events were held in September 2016. The consultation report can be found in Appendix V of the Comrie Flood Protection Study Report (Mouchel 2017) - see above.
Next steps
Please refer to our current progress and timeline page for the latest updates on scheme progress, community engagement and the latest community newsletter.
Contact details
If you have any queries relating to the Comrie Flood Protection Scheme please contact Ross Fletcher, Project Manager, or Gavin Bissett, Engineer (Flooding), on 01738 476840 or at
Correspondence can also be addressed to the Flooding Team, Environment and Infrastructure, Perth and Kinross Council, Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth, PH1 5GD.