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Elected Member Briefing - Progress of Perth and Kinross fly-tipping strategy

Elected Member Briefing Note 2024, No. 010

About this Briefing Note

Report by: Elaine Ritchie, Senior Service Manager, Housing

EMBN Number: 010-24

Date: 1st February 2024

Subject: Progress of Perth and Kinross fly-tipping strategy

Responsible Officer: Roddy Ross, Safer Communities Team Leader



The note provides you with an update on the work being done, and the work that is planned, as part of our strategy to prevent and deal with fly-tipping in Perth and Kinross.

Briefing Information 

For some years, communities and elected members have raised concerns about an increase in fly-tipping across Perth and Kinross, and the negative impact it was having. In 2021-22 the Safer Communities Team, the Waste Team and the wider Environment Service developed an operational plan to work together to improve the Council's response and outcomes in fly-tipping hot spot areas in Perth & Kinross.

The progress made through this multi-service approach was positive but was often hindered by the lack of co-ordination and operational leadership, often due to competing priorities.

To address the above, and through the Council's budget setting process, a budget proposal of £90k (recurring) was approved to provide a dedicated resource to oversee and prevent fly-tipping, but also pursue offenders through fixed penalties and the criminal justice system.

Following approval, a Fly-tipping Co-ordinator was appointed in August 2023. Russell Gillespie sits in our Safer Communities Team and can be contacted at or 01738 472544.

Progress to date

From the creation of a multi-service response and the co-ordination of activities through the Fly-tipping Co-ordinator, the following progress has been achieved to date:

  • A fly-tipping multi-service working group was established and meets regularly.
  • Benchmarking with other local authorities has been carried out to establish approaches for recording fly-tipping.
  • A single point of contact has been established for fly-tipping issues and concerns making it easier for communities, residents and elected members to report concerns.
  • Enhanced processes have been agreed with key stakeholders to prevent duplication.
  • IT systems have been updated to record fly-tipping activities to enable effective monitoring and recording.
  • Evidence-gathering procedures have been agreed with Safer Communities Wardens and Parking Attendants.
  • Key Officers have been upskilled to undertake enforcement activities - issuing fixed notice penalties.
  • CCTV cameras have been deployed to hot-spot areas.
  • Trail cameras have been purchased, trialled and deployed.
  • Reporting and prosecution protocols were agreed with Police, Procurator Fiscal and SEPA.
  • Fly-tipping 'Under Investigation Tape' has been issued.
  • A communications campaign has been developed and launched to raise awareness about our approach, and to deter fly-tipping.


Based on the above progress, the following results have been achieved between 31 August and 31 December 2023:

  • 74 reports of fly-tipping were received.
  • 51 cases were accepted for investigation by our Fly-Tipping Co-ordinator (the other cases were not classified as fly-tipping cases after initial investigation).
  • 15 fixed penalty tickets have been issued.
  • 2 people have been reported to Police Scotland for a total of nine incidents of fly-tipping.
  • 2 people have been reported to the Procurator Fiscal.
  • 4 Warning Letters have been issued.
  • 74 sites have been restored
  • Fixed penalty ticket fines have been increased from £200 to £500

Alongside the above success we have also:

  • Provided training and awareness to key staff - community safety, housing, waste services.
  • Delivered awareness sessions to elected members.

Next steps

To build on the progress to date the following actions will be progressed:

  • We will continue to develop and enhance our multi-service approach to the prevention and response to fly-tipping.
  • Following the recent publication of the National Litter & Fly-tipping Strategy we are engaging with key stakeholders to ensure that we work towards implementing, where possible, the key objectives like suggested practices, data gathering/sharing, communications and collaborative working. We have already taken part in workshops that focus on some key objectives of the Strategy and will continue to do so.
  • Our investigatory skills and actions regarding fly-tipping will be developed and strengthened.
  • Reporting procedures will be improved based on feedback received and a review of cases.
  • We will enhance our use of available technology.
  • Engagement will continue with other authorities and agencies to identify good practice and areas of joint working.
  • We will work with communities, agencies and services to restore areas and install preventative measures in hot spot areas.
  • Processes and payment methods for Fixed Penalty collection will continue to be improved.


Our response to fly-tipping in Perth & Kinross has improved significantly following the implementation of the multi-service response and the creation of a dedicated resource to co-ordinate and oversee activities.

We are confident, based on achievements to date, that the approach will continue to produce positive results and good outcomes for communities and ensure that flytippers, commercial or domestic, will be deterred, and the appearance of Perth and Kinross will be restored and maintained.

If you would like any further information on any of the above please contact Elaine Ritchie at



Last modified on 01 February 2024

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