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Elected Member Briefing - Local Government Benchmarking Framework November 2024

Elected Member Briefing Note 2024, No. 116

About this Briefing Note

Report by: Greg Boland

Date: 20 December 2024

Subject: Local Government Benchmarking Framework - November 2024 Data Refresh

Responsible Officer: Louisa Dott, Performance Team Leader



This briefing note is to provide a summary of the most recent Local Government Benchmarking Framework (LGBF) data published (primarily relating to 2023/24).  

Briefing Information


This is the first of two LGBF briefings for 2023/24. This briefing note and information below, is based on all the latest data that has been published by the Improvement Service up to the end of November 2024.  It provides a summary of the key points emerging for Perth and Kinross Council (PKC) overall in terms of performance trends and rank position and then the information has been arranged by our Corporate Plan priorities. It should be noted, however, that information represents a snapshot in time and some indicators may have changed since 2023/24. Officers and elected members can access benchmarking information at any time on the Improvement Service dashboard and metadata is also provided for each indicator which gives a definition of the indicator and any calculations used.

Strategic Leads will be provided with a more in-depth breakdown of the data in the new year once all data has been published by the Improvement Service and will be using this data to inform any areas of improvement. 

A further second briefing note will be provided early Spring 2025, once the Improvement Service has published their national report. That briefing will contain information on the national trends and an assessment on whether PKC is in line with the national trends, it will also look at family group comparisons. It will also contain some additional contextual information for each indicator in terms of the data range across all 32 Local Authorities to enable greater insight into the rankings. In addition, following feedback, it will also look at performance trends and what the potential impact of budget decisions and transformation projects may have had on performance levels.  

Summary of most recent local data

Performance overview

Data for 68 indicators has been published on the Local Government Benchmarking Dashboard for 2023-24 (unless otherwise stated). Of those published, 60 are performance indicators, 4 financial and 4 satisfaction. A further update for the remaining indicators will be published in January 2025.
Of the 68 indicators, 24 improved (35.3%), 39 declined (57.4%) and 5 with no change (7.3%) compared to the previous year. This represents less favourable outcomes to last year which is following the national trend (PKC 2022/23: 49% improved and 51% declined). 

However, 43 indicators (63.2%) performed at or above the average levels across Scotland, details provided in the chart below.  This does represent more favourable outcomes to last year (PKC 2022/23: 59% at or above Scottish average 41% below). 

Rank positions

38 indicators (59.3%) are in the upper two quartiles and 26 (40.7%) in the lower two quartiles as shown in chart 2 below. This is a slight improvement from last year (2022/23: 55% in upper two quartiles).

Compared to last year, 14 indicators (21.9%) showed improvement and moved up a quartile, while 11 (17.2%) showed a decline and moved down a quartile and 39 (60.9%) showed no change and remained in the same quartile. 

The tables below provide further information on indicators positioned in Quartile 1 and 4 for 2023/24 and their rank position in comparison to 2019/20.

Indicators in Quartile 1 for 2023/24 and 2019/20
Service areaIndicatorQuartile for 2019/20Change from 2019/20 to 2023/24
Adult Social Work Services% of adults supported at home who agree that their services and support had an impact on improving or maintaining their quality of life3Improved
Adult Social Work Services% of adults supported at home who agree that they had a say in how their help, care or support was provided2Improved
Adult Social Work Services% of people 65+ with long-term care needs who are receiving personal care at home4Improved
Children's ServicesProportion of children being looked after in the community1No change
Children's ServicesProportion of funded early years provision which is graded good/ better3Improved
Children's ServicesSchool attendance rates (per 100 'looked after pupils')1 (2018/19)No change
Climate ChangeCOemissions from electricity per capita1No change
Climate ChangeCOemissions from natural gas per capita1No change
Corporate Services% of operational buildings that are suitable for their current use2Improved
Corporate ServicesPercentage of income due from Council Tax received by the end of the year1No change
Corporate ServicesPercentage of invoices sampled that were paid within 30 days3Improved
Corporate ServicesProportion of Scottish Welfare Fund budget spent3Improved
Corporate ServicesProportion of Scottish Welfare Fund Crisis Grant decisions within one day2Improved
EnvironmentStreet cleanliness score3Improved
Housing ServicesProportion of rent due in the year that was lost due to voids2Improved
Table 2: Indicators in Quartile 4 for 2023/24 and 2019/20 comparisons
Service areaIndicatorQuartile for 2019/20Change from 2019/20 to 2023/24
Adult Social Work ServicesProportion of adult care services graded good or better2Declined
Adult Social Work ServicesRate of readmission to hospital within 28 days per 1,000 discharges4No change
Children's ServicesAverage total tariff SIMD quintile 24No change
Children's ServicesProportion of looked after children with more than one placement in the last year4No change
Climate ChangeCO2 emissions area wide: emissions within scope of local authority per capita4No change
EnvironmentPercentage of A class roads considered for maintenance treatment4 (2019/21)No change

Key points in local data

Our local LGBF data has been reviewed and some key points, aligned to our Corporate Plan priorities, have been highlighted below.

All information and rankings were correct at the time of this publication. 

Tackling poverty

  • The proportion of children living in poverty (after housing costs) reduced from 21.9% in 2021/22 to 21.7% in 2022/23. Nationally, figures increased 21.5% to 21.8%. PKC is performing better than the national average and remains in Quartile 2, rank improved moving up from 12th to 10th.
  • PKC continue to perform well in relation to Scottish Welfare Fund indicators.
    • Scottish Welfare Fund Crisis Grants decisions made within 1 day increased from 98.8% in 2022/23 to 99.3% in 2023/24. Nationally, there has been an increase 91.8% to 94%. PKC is performing better than the national average and remains in Quartile 1, rank improved moving up from 8th to 6th. 
    • Scottish Welfare Fund budget spend increased and remains in the top quartile, rank moved up from 3rd to 1st and performed better than the national average PKC 214.9% SA 128.9%. Nationally there has been a small reduction of 1.1%.
    • Community Care Grant decisions made within 15 days reduced by 2%, nationally there has been a reduction of 4%. PKC performed better than the national average PKC 93.5% SA 83.3%, rank slipped from 14th to 20th moving this indicator from Quartile 2 to Quartile 3.
  • There was no significant change in performance for claimant count indicators and performed better than the national average.
    • Claimant count as a % of working age population remained the same as the previous year at 2.3%. Nationally, there has been a small reduction 3.2% to 3.1%. Rank slipped from 8th to 9th resulting in this indicator moving from Quartile 1 to Quartile 2. 
    • Claimant count as % of 16-24 population increased from 2.5% to 2.7%. Nationally there has been no change compared to the previous year at 3.5% . Rank slipped from 7th to 11th resulting in this indicator moving from Quartile 1 to Quartile 2. 
  • Gross rent arrears as a percentage of rent due for the year marginally reduced from 11.1% in 2022/23 to 11% 2023/24. Nationally, figures marginally reduced from 9.6% to 9.5%. PKC is not performing as well as the national average. PKC remains in Quartile 3, rank slipped from 17th to 21st. 

Tackling climate change and supporting sustainable places

  • PKC street cleanliness score increased from 92% in 2022/23 to 97% in 2023/24. Nationally, there has been an increase in the street cleanliness score 90.6% to 92.1%. PKC is performing better than the national average, rank improved moving up from 13th to 3rd place resulting in this indicator moving from Quartile 2 to Quartile 1.
  • The % of total household waste arising that is recycled increased from 49.3% in 2022/23 to 51.70%. Nationally there has been a small increase from 43.3% to 43.5%. PKC is performing better than the national average and remains in Quartile 2, rank improved moving up from 12th to 9th place. 
  • The % of council dwellings meeting the Scottish Housing Standards increased from 69% in 2022/23 to 76.3% in 2023/24. Nationally, figures increased from 70.9% to 77.8%. PKC is not performing as well as the national average, rank slipped from 13th to 17th resulting in this indicator moving from Quartile 2 to Quartile 3. 
  • Overall PKC continue to perform well for indicators relating to CO2 emissions (tonnes): 
    • Emissions from Electricity and Natural Gas (per capita) reduced compared to the previous year, figures also reduced for the national average. PKC performed better than the national average: Electricity PKC 33.57, SA 43.46 and Natural Gas PKC 42.35, SA 57.23. Both indicators remain in Quartile 1. 
    • Emissions from Transport (per capita) increased compared to the previous year, figures also increased for the national average. PKC is performing better than the national average: PKC 19.72, SA 27.67 and remains in Quartile 2.
    • CO2 emissions area wide per capita reduced compared to the previous year, figures also reduced for the national average. PKC is performing better than the national average: PKC 4.68, SA 4.81 and remains in Quartile 3.
  • The % of roads considered for maintenance increased across all indicators (A, B,C & unclassified), nationally figures also increased with a small reduction for Unclassified roads:
    • A Class roads performed not as well as the national average PKC 36.3%, SA 33.4% and remains in Quartile 4 (Rank 30th).
    • B Class roads performed better than the national average PKC 32.3%, SA 32.5% and remains in Quartile 3 (Rank 20th to 21st).
    • C Class roads performed better than the national average PKC 30.9%, SA 33.4% and remains in Quartile 3 (Rank 17th to 18th).
    • Unclassified roads performed better than the national average PKC 31.9%, SA 36.2% and moved from Quartile 1 to Quartile 2 (Rank 6th to 10th).

Developing a resilient, stronger and greener local economy

  • The % of unemployed peopled assisted into work from Council programmes reduced from 13% in 2022/23 to 11.7% in 2023/24. Nationally, there has been a reduction 12.9% to 12.1%. PKC is not performing as well as the national average and remains in Quartile 3, rank slipped from 17th to 20th. 
  • Town vacancy rates remained the same at 11% compared to the previous year. Nationally, there has been an increase 11.6% to 12.3%. PKC is performing better than the national average and remains in Quartile 2, rank improved moving up from 15th to 13th. 
  • The number of business gateway start-ups (per 10,000 population) reduced from 16.3 in 2022/23 to 15.2 in 2023/24. Nationally, there has been a reduction in the number of business start-ups 14.3 to 13.6. PKC is performing better than the national average and remains in Quartile 2, rank slipped from 15th to 16th.
  • The average time taken per business and industry planning application increased from 9.5 weeks in 2022/23 to 10.9 weeks 2023/24. Nationally, the time taken reduced from 12 weeks to 10.7 weeks. PKC is not performing as well as the national average, rank slipped from 7th to 20th resulting in this indicator moving from Quartile 1 to Quartile 3. 
  • The proportion of procurement spent on local enterprises reduced from 22.7% in 2022/23 to 20.8% in 2023/24. Nationally, figures increased from 29.6% to 30.7%. PKC is not performing as well as the national average and remains in Quartile 3, rank slipped from 23rd to 24th. 

Enabling our children and young people to achieve their full potential

  • The Overall average total tariff (SIMDs) reduced from 932 in 2022/23 to 920 in 2023/24, Nationally, figures also reduced from 925 to 918. PKC is performing better than national average of 918 and remains in Quartile 2, rank slipped from 12th to 14th. 
  • Nationally for Average Total Tariff SIMD Quintiles 1 to 5, figures have reduced:
    • Increase in average total tariff SIMD Quintiles 1 and 3 and performing better than the national average. Quartiles for both indicators improved moving up from the lower quartile into Quartile 2.
    • Average total tariff SIMD Quintiles 2 and Quintile 4 reduced and performing below the national average. Rank slipped for both indicators and remain in lower quartile.
    • Average total tariff SIMD Quintile 5 reduced and performing below the national average. Rank moved from 26th to 24th resulting in this indicator moving up from Quartile 4 to Quartile 3. 
  • The % of children being looked after in the community increased from 93.6% in 2021/22 to 94% in 2023/24. Nationally, there has been a reduction 89.9% to 89.2%. PKC is performing better than the national average and remains in Quartile 1, rank improved moving up from 6th to 4th.
  • There was a small reduction of 1% for pupils gaining 5+ Awards for Level 5 and 6. Nationally figures also reduced, both indicators are performing above the national average: Level 5 PKC 67%, SA 66%: Level 6 PKC 39%, SA 38%, and remain in Quartile 2.
  • For the % of pupils from 20% most deprived areas gaining 5+ Awards for Level 5 and 6 there was no significant change in performance, nationally there was no change compared to the previous year. Both indicators are performing below the national average: Level 5 PKC 44%, SA 50%; Level 6 PKC 21%, SA 22%. Level 5 remains in Quartile 2 and Level 6 Quartile 3.
  • The % of funded early years provision graded good/better increased from 92.8% in 2022/23 to 95.2% in 2023/24. Nationally, grading for this indicator reduced from 90.1% to 89.8%. PKC is performing better than the national average, rank improved moving up from 13th to 6th place resulting in this indicator moving from Quartile 2 to Quartile 1.
  • The proportion of pupils entering positive destinations increased from 94.8%  in 2021/22 to 96% in 2022/23. Nationally, there was a small increase 95.7% to 95.9%. PKC performance is comparable to the national average, rank improved from 22nd to 12th resulting in this indicator moving from Quartile 3 to Quartile 2. 

Protecting and caring for our most vulnerable people

  • The % of people 65+ with long-term care needs who are receiving personal care at home increased from 58.9% in 2022/23 to 71.4% in 2023/24. Nationally, there was a small increase 61.5% to 62.6%. PKC is performing better than the national average and moved from Quartile 3 to Quartile 1 (Rank 23rd to 2nd). 
  • The number of days people spend in hospital when they are ready to be discharged (per 1,000 population, aged 75+) reduced from 939 in 2022/23 to 664 in 2023/24. Nationally, there has been a small reduction 919 to 901. PKC is performing better than the national average and moved from Quartile 3 to Quartile 2 (Rank 19th to 12th).
  • Overall, indicators relating to satisfaction levels for services and support performed well against the national average:
    • The % of adults supported at home who agree that their services and support had an impact in improving and maintaining a quality of life remained the same compared to the last reporting year (2021/22) at 75.8%. Nationally, there has been a reduction 78.1% to 69.8%. PKC is performing better than the national average and moved from Quartile 3 to Quartile 1 (Rank 23rd to 6th).
    • The % adults feeling supported at home to live independently reduced from 79.9% in 2021/22 to 73.9% in 2023/24. Nationally, there has been a reduction 78.8% to 72.4%. PKC is performing better than the national average and moved from Quartile 2 to Quartile 3 (Rank 13th to 17th).
    • The % of adults feeling supported in their help, care or support reduced from 73.8% in 2021/22 to 67.9% in 2023/24. Nationally, there has been a reduction 70.6% to 59.6%. PKC is performing better than the national average and moved from Quartile 2 to Quartile 1 (Rank 10th to 5th). 
  • The proportion of adult care services graded good or better reduced from 73% in 2022/23 to 70.8% in 2023/24. Nationally, there has been an increase 75% to 77%. PKC is not performing as well as the national average and moved from Quartile 3 to Quartile 4 (Rank 24th to 28th).

Supporting and promoting physical and mental wellbeing

Data for LGBF indicators relating to this corporate priority will be published in January 2025.

Working in partnership with communities

The LGBF data does not currently have any indicators which directly align with this priority.

Best value

  • The gender pay gap increased from -0.3% in 2022/23 to 2.1% in 2023/24. Nationally, the gender pay gap reduced 2.5% to 1.7%. PKC is not performing as well as the national average, rank slipped from 4th to 15th resulting in this indicator moving from Quartile 1 to Quartile 2. 
  • Sickness absence days per employee (non-teacher) increased from 13 days in 2022/23 to 13.1 days in 2023/24, Nationally, figures increased 13.3 days to 13.9 days. PKC is performing better than the national average and remains in Quartile 1, rank improved moving up from 14th to 9th. 
  • Sickness absence days per teacher increased from 7.6 days in 2022/23 to 9.10 days in 2023/24. Nationally, figures increased 6.8 days to 7.6 days. PKC is not performing as well as the national average of 7.6 days, rank improved moving up from 26th to 24th resulting in this indicator moving from Quartile 4 to Quartile 3. 
  • The % of income due from council tax received by the end of the year reduced from 98.4% in 2022/23 to 97.5% in 2023/24. Nationally, there has been a reduction 96.2% to 95.5%. PKC is performing better than the national average of 95.5% and remains in Quartile 1 (rank remains 2nd). 
  • The cost per dwelling of collecting Council Tax increased from £4.99 in 2022/23 to £7.42 in 2023/24. Nationally, figures reduced £6.84 to £5.89. PKC is not performing as well as national average, rank slipped from 6th to 21st resulting in this indicator moving from Quartile 1 to Quartile 3. 
  • The % of invoices sampled that were paid within 30 days increased from 93.7% in 2022/23 to 95.6% in 2023/24. Nationally, there has been an increase in invoices paid 90.5% to 93.1%. PKC is performing better than the national average of 93.10%, rank improved moving up from 9th to 8th resulting in this indicator moving from Quartile 2 to Quartile 1.
  • The proportion of operational buildings that are suitable for their current use reduced slightly from 96.2% in 2022/23 to 96% in 2023/24. Nationally, there has been a reduction 86.1% to 85.5%. PKC is performing better than the national average of 85.5% and remains in Quartile 1, rank slipped from 3rd to 4th. 
Last modified on 23 December 2024

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