Elected Member Briefing Note 2024, No. 73
About this Briefing Note
Report by: Stephen Crawford, Strategic Lead - Property Services
Date: 2 September 2024
Subject: PH2O swimming pool usage mix
Responsible Officer: John Fyfe, Principal Officer (Project Manager)
To provide an overview of how programming within the proposed 8-lane training pool and the teaching pool agreed within the PH2O base case approved by Council in January 2024 will support a range of swimming types including family-friendly leisure swimming as instructed in January 2024.
Briefing Information
The base case approved by Council includes a 25m x 8-lane pool which will be programmed throughout the week (Monday-Sunday) with a combination of lane swimming, free swim space and other leisure/club activities and Live Active Leisure Swim and Wellbeing Programmes (such as Aquafit and GP referrals).
The approved base case also includes a 12.5m x 8.5m Teaching Pool which is programmed throughout the week (Monday-Sunday) with free swim space and Live Active Leisure Learn to Swim Programme Classes.
On Saturday and Sunday, 4 lanes of the main pool would be reserved for a 2.5 hour inflatable session in the afternoon. On Saturday the main pool and teaching pool are both reserved from 6.30pm-close for a pool disco.
On Sunday two lanes of the teaching pool are reserved to accommodate an ASN drop-in session.
A breakdown of the different activities programmed in both pools on a day-to-day basis is shown in the PH2O base case pool timetable (PDF, 562 KB). The programme is based on the pools being open 6am-9pm Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm on Saturday and 8am-6pm on Sunday.
Each activity is allocated a time slot and a number of lanes per day which allow different activities to occur in both pools simultaneously throughout the day. The only activity which uses all lanes in both pools is the Saturday evening pool disco.