Elected Member Briefing Note 2024, No. 38
About this Briefing Note
Report by: Elaine Ritchie, Strategic Lead, Housing and Communities
EMBN Number: 038-24
Date: 26th April 2024
Subject: Progress on Coupar Angus Action Plan
Responsible Officer: David Stokoe, Service Manager, Culture and Community Services
This briefing note updates members on the work progressed in the first 12 months of the Coupar Angus Action Plans.
Briefing Information
The Coupar Angus Action Plan was launched in May last year. The Plan was drawn up using input from residents and a wide range of organisations including Perth and Kinross Council and NHS Tayside,
It outlines the ambition to create a "sustainable and vibrant place that attracts people to the town" and supports regeneration of the local economy, buildings and community organisations.
Extensive public consultation on the Plan took place between November 2022 and March 2023. Community views were gathered from a survey completed by 171 individuals, and in-depth discussions were held with representatives of more than a dozen community groups and organisations.
The Plan's aims are:
- Improving the employability skills of local people
- Helping to tackle poverty
- Improving physical and mental health
- Supporting community development
- Making Coupar Angus a sustainable place.
Progress update
Some notable successes have been achieved in the first 12 months of the Plan:
- The Community Council has been established and meets regularly.
- Strathmore Hub secured PKC Community Investment funding for a community cinema pilot.
- The Council's Community Learning and Development (CLD) Team have delivered two 8-week employability courses. The Team also runs weekly adult learning drop-ins at the Strathmore Hub.
- PKC's Welfare Rights Team is delivering monthly outreach sessions in Coupar Angus, helping local people to claim the benefits they are entitled to.
- A weekly Advice & Information Hub is held weekly by the Health & Social Care Partnership at Strathmore Hub, helping people link to local services.
- The SENsations group for local children with additional support needs has been supported to become established.
- Strathmore Hub secured PKC Warm Welcome funding for delivery of warm space activities over the winter months.
- The local Pride of Place Bloom Group are very active and have carried out improvements around the town, supported by the Council's Greenspace Team.
- Fly tipping in Larghan Park is being tackled.
Implementing the Plan will be an evolving process, and over the next few years additional actions are likely to emerge. New themes can also be identified, to reflect any changing circumstances and needs identified by local people.
Under the Plan we will continue to help local businesses to offer more employment, improve local public transport, support people's health and wellbeing, bring empty properties in the town back into use, support new housing and businesses and attract more people to Coupar Angus.
We will keep you fully updated with further progress.
If you would like any further information, please email David Stokoe at DStokoe@pkc.gov.uk