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Elected Member Briefing - Perth and Kinross verge cutting update

Elected Member Briefing Note 2024, No. 50

About this Briefing Note

Report by: Andy Clegg, Community Greenspace Manager

EMBN Number: 050-24

Date: 30 May 2024

Subject: Perth and Kinross verge cutting update

Responsible Officer: Lesley Ann Cassidy, Community Greenspace Team Leader (Infrastructure)  



This briefing provides an update on the public road verge cutting contract and changes required to meet available budgets.

Briefing Information

This report is a briefing on the reduction in resources available for the annual verge cutting contract which will result in noticeable changes to verges out with settlement boundaries on the entire public road network across Perth and Kinross.

Management of verge cutting across the entire road network in Perth and Kinross is undertaken by Community Greenspace. Areas within the 30mph limits of settlements are cut by the Council's Direct Services and beyond those, it is undertaken using external contractors procured through a consortium with Angus and Dundee City Councils.

Angus Council was going to tender the works this year to reflect some changes to the specifications but this wasn't possible in time for this season's cutting.

They have therefore confirmed that the current contract can be extended for a further year. The works will need to be re-tendered next year so officers will be considering if it will be best done as a joint exercise with the other councils, or whether Perth and Kinross Council should procure it independently.

Normally verge cutting would start at the end of May/start of June running until August, comprising of a single cut over the whole network starting with the 'A' class roads and working through to the unclassified ones.

A second cut would be done on junction visibility splays and certain A class roads where growth rates and inspections required it.

This approach was sufficient to ensure annual vegetation growth was kept in check whilst achieving some biodiversity benefits by not cutting the whole network twice. 

To achieve our corporate saving targets it was agreed that the budget allocation of £135k for verge cutting be reduced to £70k on a recurring basis from 2024/25.

Several aspects of our cutting plan needed consideration in order to work within these resources, including which routes to cut, the timing of the cutting and contractor costs.

Cutting too early would mean the grass would be longer at the end of the season but leaving it too late would mean excessive early growth and possible difficulties for the machines to cut it. 

Some verges will not be cut at all this year, and work to cut those that will should start around the end of June. This will mean more significant verge growth than would normally be expected, which may result in complaints. 

Cutting the whole network once every two years should be sufficient to ensure woody vegetation doesn't establish and may result in some biodiversity benefits.

Fortunately, the existing contractors have held their rates this year which will allow about half of the length of the whole road network to be cut with the resources available. It is therefore proposed that A and B class roads will be cut every year along with the C class roads this year, with the Us (Unclassifieds) remaining uncut.

Subject to resources, it is intended the Us will be cut next year instead of the C class roads. The rates and costs for future years will not be known until the procurement exercise is completed next year.  It is expected that the costs will increase so a further review of which roads will be able to be cut will be needed then, followed by a further update.


Last modified on 30 May 2024

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