Elected Member Briefing Note 2024, No. 47
About this Briefing Note
Report by: Elaine Ritchie, Strategic Lead, Housing and Communities
EMBN Number: 047-24
Date: 25 May 2024
Subject: Warm Welcome Fund 2023/24
Responsible Officer: Warm Welcome Fund 2023/24
To provide elected members with an overview of the impact of the Warm Welcome Fund 2023/24.
Briefing Information
In 2023, Perth and Kinross Council granted a budget of £250,000 for the Warm Welcome Fund Initiative. This was a re-brand of the previous year's Cost of Living Fund.
The aim of the funding was to support community groups and organisations in their delivery of the provision of warm spaces and warm home packs over the winter months. This would help alleviate the cost of living whilst also contributing to a reduction in social isolation.
The £250,000 funding was broken down and allocated to each ward area based on population size. This was to ensure fairness and to maximise the potential for the use of the funding.
A series of workshops were facilitated by the Community Learning and Development team in each ward area to encourage community groups and organisations to work more collaboratively with each other, avoiding duplication of their offer and recognising what their communities' needs were. Funding was then allocated through collective agreement with each other based on what they could offer and what local needs were.
This evaluation report (PDF, 890 KB) for the Warm Welcome Fund contains some key statistical data and case studies.