Elected Member Briefing Note 2024, No. 30
About this Briefing Note
Report by: Niamh Anderson- Waste Minimisation Officer
EMBN Number: 030-24
Date: 02/04/24
Subject: New campervan waste disposal point
Responsible Officer: Annie Nettleton- Waste Services Coordinator
This briefing note serves as a concise summary of recent updates from Waste Services for Elected Members to stay informed. Links are included where appropriate to provide further information that can be shared by Elected Members throughout the community.
Briefing Information
Newly opened facilities are now available for the disposal of both black and grey wastewater catering to caravans, motorhomes and other tourists to Perth and Kinross.
Conveniently located on the south side of Broxden Park and Ride behind the waiting room, these facilities are easily accessible via signage. Broxden Park serves as a pivotal transport hub on the Glasgow Road approach to Perth, catering to a diverse range of commuters and visitors alike.
This initiative marks the first of its kind for Perth and Kinross Council and was constructed in response to the increased influx of mobile holidaymakers since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The newly established disposal point will be open 24 hours a day from Easter weekend until the end of October every year. Initially, they will be free to use as part of an introductory phase.
For more information, visit the Campervan Waste Disposal page.
If you have any further questions, please contact wasteawareness@pkc.gov.uk