Elected Member Briefing Note 2024, No. 023
About this Briefing Note
Report by: Niamh Anderson- Waste Minimisation Officer
EMBN Number: 023-24
Date: 13 March 2024
Subject: Bin charges for new-build properties
Responsible Officer: Annie Nettleton- Waste Services Coordinator
This briefing note serves as a concise summary of recent updates from Waste Services to keep Elected Members informed. Links are included where appropriate to provide further information that can be shared by Elected Members throughout the community.
Briefing Information
Please be aware of upcoming change to the way developers of new domestic dwellings are charged for their bins. It was agreed at the Council Budget setting meeting in March 2023 that new charges for bins for new domestic dwellings would be implemented as permitted by the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) 1990. This change follows the decision of many other Local Authorities to introduce a similar charge. Previously developers would go through the application process and not be charged for these services.
New domestic dwellings include:
- New build properties
- Existing properties that have been split into multiple domestic dwellings
This change comes into effect from 1 April 2024. Should any requests for bins be received prior to the start date, the charge will be at the discretion of Waste Services staff.
The developer of these properties will go through a new bin request applications process at least 3 months prior to a move in date for the property, allowing implementation of the waste service in time for move in. Payment must be completed before bins are delivered and the service can be implemented. The following webpage will be updated on 1 April with a link to the application process for developers: Bin requests
Individual House Builders / Developers will be charged based on the quantity of bins they need.
The implementation of a waste service for newly developed dwellings is potentially dependent on a full Health and Safety Risk Assessment at the address(es) specified in the application. This assessment will be scheduled as part of the application process. There will be no charge for replacement wheeled bins if the customer has lost or damaged them.
Before developers go through the bin application process, developers must first have addresses for all properties, via the existing Street Naming and Numbering process. Through the planning application, Waste Services staff make a decision on the most appropriate bin service for the properties.
It will be at Waste Services' discretion of how many bins are needed, at least 140L of capacity is needed per property.
Customers will be provided a quote for their bins after the Domestic Bin Charging application process is complete.
More information and Frequently Asked Questions can be found on our Bin Requests page.
Developers will be informed of this change on 15 March.
Social media will also be released on 29 March.
Further information
If you have any further questions, please email communitywasteadvisers@pkc.gov.uk.