Elected Member Briefing Note 2024, No. 001
About this Briefing Note
Report by: Niamh Anderson, Waste Awareness Co-ordinator
EMBN Number: 001-24
Date: 11 January 2024
Subject: Twin stream recycling
Responsible Officer: Sheila Best, Waste Services Manager
This briefing note provides an update on the rollout of the grey bin recycling service in Perth and Kinross.
From Monday January 15, monitoring of grey and blue-lidded recycling bins will begin to improve recycling rates across Perth and Kinross.
Although we accepted contaminated bins while the new grey-lidded bin was rolled out, enforcement action will now be taken to encourage residents to property separate and recycle their waste.
Waste service officers will monitor bins and those with contamination will receive a red tag. Different red tags will be used for each bin.
Information about the monitoring will be shared on our social media channels.
If householders are confused about contamination in their recycling bins, there is more information available on the red tag attached to their bin. These tags contain guidance on uploading an image of their recycling bin to get help with what is contaminating it, or alternatively contact details for logging enquiries.
Enquiries can be logged through MyPKC or by contacting the Customer Service Centre on 01738 476476.
Recycling Information
Please remember the following materials can go in the grey and blue-lidded recycling bins:
Grey-Lidded Bin
PLASTIC BOTTLES, TUBS AND TRAYS including plastic food and drink bottles, plastic toiletry and cleaning bottles, plastic tablet and medicine bottles, pots, tubs and trays, lids and tops (keep attached), yoghurt pots.
PLASTIC FILM including crisp packets, empty plastic bags, empty black bags, fruit and veg nets, ready meal films, bread bags, sweet wrappers, cling film, bubble wrap.
CANS, TINS AND FOILS including tins and cans, drinks cans, empty aerosols, foil trays, pet food pouches, aluminium foil and metal lids.
CARTONS (TETRAPAKS) including fruit juice, milk, soup and sauce cartons.
Blue-Lidded Bin
PAPER including newspapers, magazines, catalogues, directories, letters and envelopes; paper, books, glitter-free non-metallic wrapping paper.
CARDBOARD (flattened) including large and small cardboard boxes, brown corrugated packaging, toilet and kitchen roll tubes and glitter free greetings cards.
All items must be CLEAN and LOOSE.
If residents have not yet received a grey-lidded bin, please request they log this as a general enquiry through MyPKC or phone the Customer Service Centre on 01738 476476.
Bin collection dates can be found by using our address finder. Accessible versions of these calendars can be requested by contacting the Customer Service Centre on 01738 476476.
For further information on all bins including frequently asked questions about recycling, visit our Kerbside Recycling pages.
If you have any questions about this change, please email wasteawareness@pkc.gov.uk