Elected Member Briefing Note 2024, No. 032
About this Briefing Note
Report by: Elaine Ritchie, Strategic Lead, Housing & Communities
EMBN Number: 032-24
Date: 10 April 2024
Subject: Scottish Housing Regulator Engagement Plan 2024/25
Responsible Officer: Martin Smith, Service Manager, Housing
This briefing note is to inform you about the Scottish Housing Regulator's updated Engagement Plan with regard to Perth and Kinross Council's Housing Services.
Briefing Information
Each year the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) publishes an Engagement Plan for every social housing landlord in Scotland.
The Engagement Plan sets out areas where the SHR thinks it needs to work with a landlord to improve services, based on information supplied to the SHR by the landlord.
Perth and Kinross Council 2024/25 Engagement Plan
The SHR has now published Engagement Plans for April 2024 to March 2025 for all social landlords.
The Perth and Kinross Council Engagement Plan says that the SHR will engage with us about services for people who are homeless.
However, this level of engagement applies to all local authorities.
The purpose of this engagement is to allow the SHR to gather further information and seek assurance about homelessness services, with a focus on how they are delivering appropriate temporary accommodation for people experiencing homelessness. This is in response to challenges faced by homelessness services across Scotland and the ongoing demand for social housing.
It should be noted that recent Scottish Government statistics published on homelessness showed that Perth and Kinross Council's homelessness services continue to be one of the highest performing in the country, despite these challenges.
The SHR has said it requires no further engagement on any other aspects of the Housing Services for Perth and Kinross Council over the next year.
This means that we are one of only two Scottish local authorities that require no other engagement from the Regulator, underlining the high quality of Housing Services we provide.
The level of engagement by the SHR demonstrates our ongoing commitment to delivering high quality services and good outcomes for our tenants and people in housing need.
If you require further information about any of the above, please email Elaine Ritchie at ERitchie@pkc.gov.uk